An Unusual Monday Morning Dividing Line

Covered a wide range today, from insanity in Germany, more and more studies showing the danger of the Covid jabs, the Biden Regime’s war on Christians, a few interesting graphics I’ve run across, to finally in the last half of the program, a brief video from Barth Ehrman showing his theological shallowness and the reasons thereof. Also mentioned once again […]

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How the Holiness of God Changes Us

As we introduced in the previous post, many people and churches in our world have forgotten, overlooked, and ignored the holiness of God. We outlined four disastrous consequences for failing to appreciate, love, and proclaim God’s holiness: frivolous and trivial worship, a lost Great Commission in churches, worldly and ungodly lives, and countless false believers […]

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Spurgeon and the Sabbath: A Day of Joy

Charles Dickens utilized his pen to influence his readers’ opinions. In a Christmas Carol, he strikes out against the ill-treatment of the poor through stinginess. He prescribed for Scrooge’s spirit to be replaced with the love for the common man. In another work, Little Dorrit, Dickens turned threatening eyes upon a practice that stifles man’s […]

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Archbishop Vigano Torches Francis, Open Phones

We had to take time to read through Archbishop Virgano’s utter torching of Francis and the current Vatican regime at the start of the program, then we took calls on the following topics: conjectural emendation in the Old Testament, issues relating to annihilationism/conditionalism, Shoemaker’s critical study of the Qur’an, advice for a new father, developments in Mormonism, and raising godly […]

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End Abortion Now 2024-06-20 11:28:36

A Short Rejoinder to Toby Sumpter Introduction This is a brief response to a blog that Pastor Toby Sumpter recently titled “We’re all Incrementalists.” The article contains several encouraging points. Toby affirms Moscow’s support of equal protection and expresses his appreciation for the exposure of the Pro-Life Establishment’s repeated efforts to stand against equal rights […]

Forgetting the Holiness of God

In looking over the landscape of the church today, many people have noticed that the holiness of God has largely been forgotten, overlooked, and ignored. The late J.I. Packer claimed that the contemporary Christian finds holiness to be outdated and irrelevant. Kevin DeYoung wrote, “Shouldn’t those most passionate about the gospel and God’s glory also […]

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Passion Translation, Nicene Creed, and a Boatload of Anathemas

Briefly commented on a year old tweet from Mike Winger on the amazingly loony “Passion Translation,” then moved on to talk about the Nicene Creed and the Southern Baptist Convention, looking at some comments of David Allen. Next week we hope to be joined by Jason Wallace who produced a 37 minute video about Cyril Lucaris, so today we looked […]

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A Ubiquitous Antidote to Anxiety

All creation declares the glory of God. Part of that glory is manifested in the ways that He designed specific creatures to benefit His highest creation, mankind. This was driven home to me again recently when preaching through the creation account in Genesis 1. I was struck by the fact that before God created man, […]

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Further Thoughts on the Origins of the Term “Biblicism”

As there continues to be pushback against those of us who would refer to ourselves as “Biblicists” (or, better yet, as “Reformed Biblicists“), I have been looking at the history of the usage of the term. This is not very hard to do, yet some professors and pastors seem to have difficulty with it. In my previous article, which detailed […]

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Rich Saves France; Injustice in America; Eastern Orthodoxy’s Anthropology; Two Responses to Dan McClellan

Went more than 90 minutes today, mainly looking at first at the amazing corruption of the justice system in America and how it flows from the rejection of our Christian heritage and the embracing of secularism. Then we played a 60 second video from an Eastern Orthodox priest denying penal, substitutionary atonement. Then we finished up our response to Dan […]

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Were the Earliest Christians Illiterate?

In the 1979 film Rocky II, the newly famous Rocky Balboa, fresh off his split-decision loss to Apollo Creed, is hired to do a TV commercial. During the filming of the commercial it quickly becomes clear that he can’t read the cue cards. The direc…

Spurgeon and the Sabbath: The Surrey Music Hall Controversy

Imagine you are a member of a church that rents a theater for worship. Every Sunday morning you meet without incident. In fact, God has providentially used this location to reach the rich and the poor for the gospel. Thousands, who otherwise would have not heard an evangelical sermon, now sit under the preaching of […]

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