Augustine (401) – Of the Works of Monks (Especially those with long hair!)

Thanks for reading this latest installment from my current project of reading (and blogging) through Augustine’s works. This book, known as Of the Works of Monks. It is rather short, at just around 42 pages.       Augustine wrote the following in his Retractions regarding why he wrote this work To write the Book …

Continue reading Augustine (401) – Of the Works of Monks (Especially those with long hair!)

1 Corinthians 7 and Household Covenant Inclusion 

​​While I understand the desire to be Biblical in the belief that there is maintained by God the Old Covenant principle of the inclusion, by default, of all members of a household into the New Covenant, I am firmly convinced that this is not the case. There is an abundance of proof in God’s revelation …

Continue reading 1 Corinthians 7 and Household Covenant Inclusion 
