Adoring the Unique Works of the Holy Spirit in History

Devotion From Genesis to Revelation, God’s desire is to showcase Himself as the origin and goal for all comprising His created order, demonstrating how He has worked in many portions and in many ways to accomplish His impeccably good purposes (Isaiah 46:9-11; Hebrews 1:1-2). Tragically, one of the most neglected realms of examining how God […]

If Silence Is Violence, Jesus Is A Sinner

One of the most popular slogans from protestors over the last couple weeks is, “silence is violence, silence is compliance.” The slogan suggests people—especially white people—who are silent about the … More

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Removing Names: Deep Cleansing?

Dwight Mckissic recently presented to the trustees and president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary open letter. Since it was an open letter, I assume he wanted all Southern Baptists, … More

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Eldership in the Local Church Pt.7: Opposing Views to Plural Elder Led Congregationalism–Presbyterianism

Opposing Views to Plural Elder Led Congregationalism The second prominent opposing view to plural elder-led congregationalism worth considering is Presbyterianism. Christians in the Presbyterian tradition hold to a system of church government in which elected elders/presbyters from churches represent churches and oversee them. Hence the name Presbyterianism. This system opposes the independency of a church […]

The Baptism of Disciples Alone with Fred Malone (Pt.2) This episode is brought to you in partnership with Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary. CBTS is a confessional Reformed Baptist Seminary which provides affordable online theological education to help the church in its calling to train faithful men for the Gospel ministry. They are fully accredited by the Association of Reformed Theological Seminaries. You can […]

Revelation, Reason, and Christian Duty To Government

“The judge, and the rule by which he judges, are diverse.” Jonathan Edwards said that, and he was right. He referred to reason and revelation. Edwards lamented that some, in … More

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Federal Vision Pt. VI: A Particular Baptist Critique and An Apologetic for 1689 Federalism

My life as a Christian was forever changed on an ordinary day off from work in early December (2019). As my wife left for her job at a local preschool, I trudged from our bedroom to the living room table to embark upon another lengthy day of homework. The Fall semester was nearing its conclusion, […]

Why Reformed Christians Are Vulnerable To Social Justice

Many young Christians didn’t learn how to understand justice from Scripture. So in college, they learned how to understand justice from culture. And now, they think injustice is justice. And … More

The post Why Reformed Christians Are Vulnerable To Social Justice appeared first on Founders Ministries.

The Baptism of Disciples Alone with Fred Malone (Pt.1) This episode is brought to you in partnership with Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary. CBTS is a confessional Reformed Baptist Seminary which provides affordable online theological education to help the church in its calling to train faithful men for the Gospel ministry. They are fully accredited by the Association of Reformed Theological Seminaries. You can […]

Self-Control and the Fruit of the Spirit

Devotion We live in a world dominated by hedonism: the ideology insisting that pleasure and/or happiness is the chief good in life. To be sure, hedonism “sells” to sinners navigating through a fallen world (James 1:14). In a created order full of turmoil, adversity, and hardships, it undoubtedly appeals to the human senses to prescribe […]

Something New is Coming: Jeremiah 31:31-37 (Part 2)

Part 1 can be found here. The Promise of the New Covenant 31:31. “Behold the days are coming” (ESV). This phrase, as I showed above, is used frequently by Jeremiah. It precedes a promise with certain results grounded in Yahweh’s sovereign rule over everything. Sometimes it precedes a promise of the judgment upon Yahweh’s people. […]

The Federalist Papers, No. 27 – The Same Subject Continued (The Idea of Restraining the Legislative Authority in Regard to the Common Defense Considered)

The Same Subject Continued (The Idea of Restraining the Legislative Authority in Regard to the Common Defense Considered) From the New York Packet Tuesday, December 25, 1787 By Alexander Hamilton The Anti-Federalists, it would appear, were decrying the Constitution because they thought that it would require military force in order to execute the laws. Hamilton …

Continue reading The Federalist Papers, No. 27 – The Same Subject Continued (The Idea of Restraining the Legislative Authority in Regard to the Common Defense Considered)

Book Review: The Mystery of Christ, His Covenant, and His Kingdom by Samuel Renihan

Renihan, Samuel. The Mystery of Christ: His Covenant and His Kingdom. Cape Coral, FL: Founders Press, 2019. Introduction Samuel Renihan wrote The Mystery of Christ: His Covenant and His Kingdom. He holds a Master of Divinity from Westminster Seminary California and a Doctor of Philosophy from the Free University of Amsterdam. He serves as pastor […]

Eldership in the Local Church Pt. 6: Opposing Views to Plural Elder Led Congregationalism–Episcopalianism

Opposing Views to Plural Elder Led Congregationalism The first major opposing view to plural elder-led congregationalism that we will consider is Episcopalianism. There are different groups that hold to different theological convictions that use this form of church governance. The Episcopalian governance structure teaches that bishops are a distinct office, above deacons and presbyters.[1] Some […]

Faithfulness and the Fruit of the Spirit

Devotion You and I are liars by nature (Psalm 116:11; Romans 3:4). How’s that for an introductory statement? Although it may not be a “politically correct” or popular accusation to make, there are few characterizations that are more accurate in describing sinful humanity. Lying and deceit have been fundamental traits of Satan and his legion […]

Eldership in the Local Church Pt. 5: Plural Elder Led Congregationalism

Plural Elder Led Congregationalism We have given consideration to who an elder is and what an elder does. But now we must consider how an elder cooperates with a congregation. The Bible’s discussion of church leadership always assumes a congregational context.[1] Sam Waldron writes the following about the congregational nature of the church: Congregationalism may […]
