Book Review: The Mystery of Christ, His Covenant, and His Kingdom by Samuel Renihan

Renihan, Samuel. The Mystery of Christ: His Covenant and His Kingdom. Cape Coral, FL: Founders Press, 2019. Introduction Samuel Renihan wrote The Mystery of Christ: His Covenant and His Kingdom. He holds a Master of Divinity from Westminster Seminary California and a Doctor of Philosophy from the Free University of Amsterdam. He serves as pastor […]

Eldership in the Local Church Pt. 6: Opposing Views to Plural Elder Led Congregationalism–Episcopalianism

Opposing Views to Plural Elder Led Congregationalism The first major opposing view to plural elder-led congregationalism that we will consider is Episcopalianism. There are different groups that hold to different theological convictions that use this form of church governance. The Episcopalian governance structure teaches that bishops are a distinct office, above deacons and presbyters.[1] Some […]
