Would Your Church Admit Augustine to The Table? Some Reformed Churches Would Not.

This may seem like a strange topic; I admit that it is one that we don’t normally discuss. But I would like to know if your church would not allow Augustine to partake of the Lord’s Supper if he were to pop out of history and show up at your Church’s door on a Sunday …

Continue reading Would Your Church Admit Augustine to The Table? Some Reformed Churches Would Not.

About That Richard Baxter Quote: Part III

I stated at the outset of this series that an examination of Richard Baxter’s thought in context would not simplify the issue at hand but rather complicate it. This final … More

The post About That Richard Baxter Quote: Part III appeared first on Founders Ministries.

The Covenant of Works with Dr. Richard Barcellos

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-5f3y3-ebad36 This episode is brought to you in partnership with Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary. CBTS is a confessional Reformed Baptist Seminary which provides affordable online theological education to help the church in its calling to train faithful men for the Gospel ministry. They are fully accredited by the Association of Reformed Theological Seminaries. You can […]

Cancel Culture And Christian Culture

Recently, the University of Pennsylvania announced they are removing George Whitefield’s statue from campus because of his racist words and his role in advocating for and participating in slavery. The … More

The post Cancel Culture And Christian Culture appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Israel’s Old Testament Judicial Laws Can Help America

We need God’s law now more than ever. Our society has gone off the rails. Little girls dance nearly unclothed on Netflix, encouraged by those who monetize them. Meanwhile, legitimate … More

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Benjamin Keach with Drs. Tom Hicks and Chris Holmes

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-cmuwh-eace32 This episode is brought to you in partnership with Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary. CBTS is a confessional Reformed Baptist Seminary which provides affordable online theological education to help the church in its calling to train faithful men for the Gospel ministry. They are fully accredited by the Association of Reformed Theological Seminaries. You can […]

Are You Complementing Your Spouse Well?

John Calvin thought the wife of a husband is “the inseparable associate of his life.”[1] She complements him, and nothing, he thought, ought to “[yield] more advantage or comfort to … More

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Response from a Crooked Stick

I have to admit to confusion and perplexity about the claims of a student, “As I’ve walked across the campus today, I realize that an unfortunate reality is that the … More

The post Response from a Crooked Stick appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Dismantling Dispensationalism: My Journey Out of Dispensationalism

Some Preliminary Thoughts to the Reader I’m not a person who goes out of the way to look for controversy. If you ask those who know me best, they’ll confirm that I tend to be more of a “people-pleaser.” Under most circumstances, if it means making somebody else happy or avoiding conflict, I’m willing to set […]

A Brief Critique of Critical Race Theory

I found President Trump’s recent order through the Office of Management and Budget to the Heads of the Executive Departments and Agencies a cause for rejoicing. In it, the presuppositions … More

The post A Brief Critique of Critical Race Theory appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Eldership in the Local Church Pt. 8: Opposing Views to Plural Elder Led Congregationalism–Single Elder Led Congregationalism

Single Elder-led Congregationalism  The last governmental structure worthy of consideration is single elder-led congregationalism. This view denies the bishop hierarchal structure espoused in Episcopalianism. It likewise denies the interdependent connectional structure espoused in Presbyterianism. Like plural elder-led congregationalism, single elder-led congregationalism affirms the autonomy of each local/visible church. The distinguishing mark between these two governmental […]

About That Richard Baxter Quote: Part I

Introduction You’ve probably seen it going around. Almost as soon as the COVID-19 pandemic began, Christian commentators, following the right and well-meaning impulse to look to the past for guidance … More

The post About That Richard Baxter Quote: Part I appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Seeing What We Want to See: Reflections on the Saga of the Gospel of Jesus’ Wife

While Narnia is a land filled with magic—where animals can talk and even sing—not all people can hear them.  In C.S. Lewis’ The Magician’s Nephew we learn that Uncle Andrew is one of those people. When the animals speak to him, Uncle Andrew…

Seeing What We Want to See: Reflections on the Saga of the Gospel of Jesus’ Wife

While Narnia is a land filled with magic—where animals can talk and even sing—not all people can hear them.  In C.S. Lewis’ The Magician’s Nephew we learn that Uncle Andrew is one of those people. When the animals speak to him, Uncle Andrew…
