Pro-Life Evangelicals For Abortion?

If a pregnant woman promised to you she would donate money to poor children if you drove her to Planned Parenthood, would you do it? Would you enable her to … More

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A Word About “Debates”

There was a time, not long ago, when a debate was a big deal. Much time and effort went into arranging it, preparing for it, setting up, etc. Of course, those doing the debates, if they were serious minded people with long-range goals, would spend hours and hours and hours preparing, studying, reading, listening. I can honestly say that for […]

The Federalist Papers, No. 78 – The Judiciary Department

The Judiciary Department From McLEAN’S Edition Wednesday, May 28, 1788 By: Alexander Hamilton There are 3 primary objectives to this Paper – How to appoint judges, how long they should remain in their appointment, and the separation between courts/how they relate to each other. The manner of constituting it seems to embrace these several objects: …

Continue reading The Federalist Papers, No. 78 – The Judiciary Department

Surviving Doubt: Six Videos Providing Answers to Difficult Questions about the Christian Faith

Ever had a moment in your life where you doubted what you believe? I mean, really doubted?
I can still remember when that happened in my life. It was my freshman year at UNC-Chapel Hill as I was sitting in a religion class on the New Testament. The pro…

John Piper Disappoints with Nebulous Comments

John Piper’s article demonstrates that even godly men can fall into the same pit of error: this isn’t about either Trump or Biden, both of whom are horribly flawed candidates. This is about a Marxist revolution and whether you will even *get* to vote in 2024. The reality I wish he understood is seen not in Trump’s arrogance or Biden’s […]

Something New is Coming: Jeremiah 31:31-37

Introduction “Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord” (Jeremiah 31:31 ESV). The Hebrew behind this phrase is found fourteen times in the book of Jeremiah. The first four tell of the coming judgment that Yahweh will bring upon Judah for their rebellion (7:32; 9:24; 16:14; 19:6). The next six times tell of Yahweh’s restoration […]

Looking for a Lay-Level Class on the Origins of the NT Canon? Here’s my 6-Part Video Series with @Ligonier

One of the most common questions I am asked is whether I have introductory, lay-level material on the origins of the NT canon that people can use in their churches.  For small group Bible studies or Sunday School classes, most people simply won’t read …

Looking for a Lay-Level Class on the Origins of the NT Canon? Here’s my 6-Part Video Series with @Ligonier

One of the most common questions I am asked is whether I have introductory, lay-level material on the origins of the NT canon that people can use in their churches.  For small group Bible studies or Sunday School classes, most people simply won’t read …

The Trinity with James Dolezal Pt.1 James E. Dolezal is associate professor of theology in the School of Divinity at Cairn University in Langhorne, Pennsylvania. He is the author of God without Parts (Pickwick, 2011) and All That Is in God (Reformation Heritage, 2017). This episode is brought to you in partnership with Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary. CBTS is a […]

Confessional Christian Discipleship Part 1

Introduction Not long ago, I signed to write and publish a discipleship curriculum with H&E publishing titled Confessing Sound Words: A Discipleship Curriculum Through the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. The basis of this curriculum is the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith (2LBCF) and The Baptist Catechism (BC).  I’m still in the early […]

Postmodernism and Christian Apologetics

THE UNIVERSAL CHARGE FOR CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS During his pastoral tenure at the church in Ephesus, Timothy was confronted with a geographical environment that featured many opponents of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.[1] Amidst the surrounding area of the Ephesian church plant, was a cesspool of religious heresies being postulated by those who had once identified […]

Augustine & Creation with Gavin Ortlund This episode is brought to you in partnership with Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary. CBTS is a confessional Reformed Baptist Seminary which provides affordable online theological education to help the church in its calling to train faithful men for the Gospel ministry. They are fully accredited by the Association of Reformed Theological Seminaries. You can […]

A Review of Interpreting Scripture with the Great Tradition: Recovering the Genius of Premodern Exegesis

Carter, A. Craig. Interpreting Scripture with the Great Tradition: Recovering the Genius of Premodern Exegesis. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic, 2018. 263pp. Introduction Craig A. Carter (Ph.D., University of St. Michael’s College) is a Professor of Theology at Tyndale University College & Seminary in Toronto, Ontario. He also serves part-time as Theologian in Residence at […]
