Complementarianism is Not the Problem

I hate every form of abuse. Whether it be the father who uses harsh words with his wife or children; the mother who slaps her child; the husband who physically … More

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Augustine (400) – On The Harmony of The Gospels, Book 1

Thanks for reading this latest installment from my current project of reading (and blogging) through Augustine’s works. This book, known as On The Harmony of The Gospels, is an exposition of the 4 Gospels with a purpose of relating their differences and how the differences could be harmonized. It is actually one of his lengthier …

Continue reading Augustine (400) – On The Harmony of The Gospels, Book 1

A Wrinkle in the Practice of Reformed Infant Baptism

Briefly today, I would like to respond to the statements in a paragraph in Dr. Clark’s latest blog post. After posing a question that he received from someone, Dr. Clark gives us an introductory paragraph in which he is laying out the early evidence that infant baptism was an established practice received from the Apostles …

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The Puritans: A Transatlantic History

Book Review: David D. Hall, The Puritans: A Transatlantic History David H. Hall’s The Puritans: A Transatlantic History is already being hailed as one of the best introductions ever written … More

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Of Marriage: The 1689 Baptist Confession

Chapter 25: Second London Confession To say there’s confusion today regarding marriage might be the understatement of the century. In the name of diversity, reports parade people who married the … More

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Religious Liberty: The Glory of Baptists

Henry C. Vedder, in his Baptists and Liberty of Conscience (1884), proudly declared that the “glory of Baptists” was that they were the first to advocate religious liberty for all … More

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Of the Civil Magistrate

Chapter 24: Second London Confession Baptist Protestantism Embracing a full and enthusiastic consent to the leading doctrines of the Reformation, particularly in its English Puritan form, Baptists made their most … More

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Introduction: Of The Civil Magistrate and Religious Liberty

Introduction Chapters XXIV-XXV of the Second London Confession As we continue our exposition of the Second London Confession, we dig into the confession’s treatment of two issues that are not … More

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The Covenant of Works in the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith

I am uncertain why it is the case, but for some reason there has been a belief spread over the years that the Particular/Reformed Baptists do not Confess or believe in a “Covenant of Works”. A cursory read of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith (i.e. the 1689) shows that there are both implicit …

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Further Clarification on the Belgic Confession’s Article 34

Dr. Clark, thank you for reaching out to me regarding my comment on your blog with a link to my initial response to you. As that brief comment may not get approved, I will post some more clarification here. Hopefully this will further underscore the point that my original post regarding The Belgic (and Westminster) …

Continue reading Further Clarification on the Belgic Confession’s Article 34

Roundup of Some Recent Blog Posts from Reformed Baptists – Updated 4/7/20

In addition to my 3 recent posts, and a third forthcoming, we have several other posts that should prove to be extremely helpful in understanding Reformed Baptist thought related to covenants, typology, and other related doctrines. On Sam Renihan’s blog, we have the following 3 recent articles that he has written. Typology and Communication in …

Continue reading Roundup of Some Recent Blog Posts from Reformed Baptists – Updated 4/7/20

Want to Understand How Suffering Fits with the Sovereignty of God? Here’s a Great Place to Start

One of the perennial questions for all theologians (and all human beings) is “Why do we suffer?”  And, “If God is good and sovereign, why does he allow suffering?”
While most of us have these questions, we don’t really have to deal with them until we e…

An Initial Response to A Critique of my Latest Post on the Belgic Confession

In my last post, I made the argument that the wording of the Belgic Confession (as well as the Westminster Confession) is problematic as it links the efficacious blood of Christ having been shed for the “children of believers” without qualification. The Westminster Confession also states that baptism is a sign and symbol of ingrafting …

Continue reading An Initial Response to A Critique of my Latest Post on the Belgic Confession

The Belgic Confession, Like Westminster, Says Too Much Regarding Infant Baptism

Introduction In the latest episode of The New Geneva Podcast, the discussion of Baptist and Presbyterian Covenant Theology was continued as it relates to Baptism. We got to witness another good discussion between Pastors Michael G. Brown and Samuel Renihan. Go check out both parts of this podcast! At one point (around 27 minutes in …

Continue reading The Belgic Confession, Like Westminster, Says Too Much Regarding Infant Baptism

What is Covenant Theology? Here are Two New Resources You Don’t Want to Miss

Few would doubt that the last twenty has seen a remarkable surge of interest in Reformed Theology. So much so, that many younger evangelicals, as opposed to prior generations, would now be comfortable identifying themselves as reformed (in some way).
