Josiah vs Jehoiakim: The SBC’s Decision for 2022 and Beyond (Part 1)

In one sense, it can certainly be thought monotonous to write more about the state of the Southern Baptist Convention. Yet, those of us who believe in the importance of … More

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Anthony Rogers decimates Sam Shamoun & William Albrecht, Again!

Anthony Rogers preaches the gospel here from Romans and Galatians. Shows how the churches in Galatia had forsaken the gospel, they even turned away from Christ Himself. Anthony provides an interesting insight in that the letter to the Galatians says, … Continue reading

On Divine Simplicity and Natural Theology

Just a note to announce I intend to interact with the presentation in Dr. James Dolezal’s books, God without Parts: Divine Simplicity and the Metaphysics of God’s Absoluteness (2011) and All That Is in God: Evangelical Theology and the Challenge of Classical Christian Theism (2017), especially by using the audio from his presentations on these topics to the Southern California […]

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Bindergate: An Appeal for Honesty and Integrity in the SBC

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has a new scandal to add to its tragically growing list. Let’s call this one “bindergate,” because a black notebook binder with a red and … More

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The Former “Calvinist” Who Can’t Represent Calvinism

I just saw that Dr. Stratton just posted a further video in the “we won’t listen to the other side but will accuse the other side of not listening” saga that, personally, I’m finished with. But I wanted to note the description which, I assume, comes from Dr. Stratton directly: First, there was nothing in the structure of my discussion […]

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On the Goodness of Reality

Just a quick thought. I have always liked tech. OK, I was NOT in the tiny little group of nerds who did the Tandy computer thing in high school with the cassette tape recorder as the “drive,” but I wasn’t too far behind. I wear Garmin watches that connect to my iPhone and I am typing this on an incredibly […]

Book Review: Conscience and Its Enemies: Confronting the Dogmas of Liberal Secularism

Introduction Robert P. George is regarded as one of the greatest intellects of the twenty-first century. From popular-level organizations such as the New York Times to representatives of the most prestigious academic institutions in the world, the overwhelming consensus is that Robert P. George is sui generis.[1] During his time as a student, George amassed […]

On My Betters

Someone asked me a question yesterday that basically said, “Don’t you think Bahnsen would have done better than you against Craig?” I actually smile at such questions, though there is a tinge of sadness, too. We all miss Greg, and most of us wonder what he could have accomplished had God given him a much longer life. And I am […]

Ruminations on Revelation: Apostolic Accomplishment

Paul’s knowledge of the gospel was a gift of immediate special revelation. He made specific claims to this throughout his ministry and by implication virtually everywhere. In Galatians 1 Paul … More

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