Why Don’t Churches Stop Spiritually Abusive Pastors?

For the last couple of months I’ve been making my way through a blog series on spiritual abuse which I am calling “Bully Pulpit”.  You can see the prior installments here , here, here, and here.
Part of the goal of this series has been to lead up…

Church Discipline with Jeremiah Greever

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-hsw6u-fe8b05 Jeremiah is pastor of FBC Sedalia, MO. He is a graduate of Southwest Baptist University and received his Master of Divinity from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is currently working on his Doctorate of Ministry in Biblical Counseling and is a columnist for the Missouri Baptist newspaper, “The Pathway.” Previously, he was the […]

NAMB Document Clarifies Complementarian Commitments

CR:V has received the following document from Danny De Armas, current Chairman of our North American Mission Board (NAMB) Trustees.  As you will see, the document articulates NAMB’s approach to planting churches, complementarianism, and women pastors. We are thankful for the work of NAMB planting healthy churches as well as their commitment to the clear […]

The post NAMB Document Clarifies Complementarian Commitments appeared first on Conservative Resurgence: Voices.

Hold the High Ground

Allow me to start with a little historical fiction. I think most historians of American history in the 19th century would agree with me here. If Jackson had not been killed by friendly fire in early May at Chancellorsville, and had been present to lead his troops the first day at Gettysburg, the battle would have been very different. Historians […]

The Empire of the Holy Spirit with Michael Haykin

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-issst-fe8acf https://hesedandemet.com/product/the-empire-of-the-holy-spirit-reflections-on-biblical-and-historical-patterns-of-life-in-the-spirit/   The Empire of the Holy Spirit: Reflections on biblical and historical patterns of life in the Spirit By Michael A.G. Haykin In an interview that he gave in 2011, historian Mark Noll related how an African scholar had once told him that Western historians needed “to get the Holy Spirit back” into their […]

Religious Liberty and The Patriarch of San Fernando

John MacArthur has created a ruckus, again. A couple of his recent sermons have seemingly disparaged both democracy and religious liberty, declaring neither to be biblical concepts, at least not … More

The post Religious Liberty and The Patriarch of San Fernando appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Eternity and Time

Consider: The one in whom all things “hold together” (συνέστηκεν, Col 1:17) Became flesh (σὰρξ ἐγένετο, Jn 1:14). The eternal acted in time. This validated the importance of the temporal, without transforming the eternal *into* the temporal, or thereby limiting it. Human language is necessarily temporal in nature, as is our thought process. Because of this, the temptation of our […]

Andrew Fuller with Jimmy Johnson

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-p57pb-fdbfe2 Jimmy Johnson serves as the Senior Pastor at Vista Baptist Church of Osceola, Missouri. He is a husband and father, and a sinner saved by the awesome grace of God in Jesus Christ. He is the cohost of Covenant Podcast. He received his BA in Christian Ministry, emphasizing in Biblical Languages. He will receive His MDiv […]

On the Sin of Empathy

So a couple of days ago over on Twitter, where I continue to fly just underneath the radar, I broke the Internet. Of course, I made the fatal mistake of thinking, “Folks will think before reacting” (duh), “Folks will look up the terms and see what I’m talking about” (duh), “People will realize there is a background to what I’m […]
