A Historical Basis for Baptist Cooperation – The Philadelphia Association

In a previous post, I talked about the 17th Century Baptists of England. Switching both centuries and continents, we now consider the 18th century Baptists of America. It is important to remember that these Baptists did not invent associations and cooperation among independent churches, so much as they built upon the conclusions their Baptist forefathers […]

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Fight Small Battles

I count myself a longtime listener, sometime caller, of The Sword and The Trowel podcast. Albeit, as any attentive listener of taste and sense will surely confirm, the quality of … More

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Historical Basis for Baptist Cooperation – The 1689ers

By the 1670s the political climate in England was such that Baptists thought it prudent to show their solidarity with other English nonconformists like the Presbyterians and Congregationalists. This led to what is known today as the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession of Faith that was actually first written and published in 1677.[1] Chapter 26, […]

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Dr. Tom Nettles on The Mission Board that Saved the Southern Baptist Convention

Renowned church historian and Southern Baptist Dr. Tom Nettles recently spoke with the Church History Matters podcast about the founding of the SBC’s Domestic Mission Board in 1845 and how that decision reverberated through the Convention. This is a great reminder of the importance of The Cooperative Program as a mechanism for funding missions and […]

The post Dr. Tom Nettles on The Mission Board that Saved the Southern Baptist Convention appeared first on Conservative Resurgence: Voices.

Pastor James Coates, Liberty of Conscience, and Jesus as King over Albertan Magistrates

The Albertan civil magistrate required Grace Life Church to close its doors. Pastor James Coates and the church continued to assemble as Christ directs. He now sits in jail. His … More

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Pastor James Coates, Liberty of Conscience, and Jesus as King over Albertan Magistrates

The Albertan civil magistrate required Grace Life Church to close its doors. Pastor James Coates and the church continued to assemble as Christ directs. He now sits in jail. His … More

The post Pastor James Coates, Liberty of Conscience, and Jesus as King over Albertan Magistrates appeared first on Founders Ministries.
