Associations Among Baptist Churches

From their beginnings, Baptists have been an associational people. They not only held firmly to the independency of local churches, but they also believed that churches should associate with one … More

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Introduction: Humble Pastors, Reforming Churches, and Godly Cooperation

This issue of the Founders Journal initiates a look at chapter 26, “Of the Church.” We will cover in detail three of the 15 paragraphs, give a running summary of … More

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Introduction: Humble Pastors, Reforming Churches, and Godly Cooperation

This issue of the Founders Journal initiates a look at chapter 26, “Of the Church.” We will cover in detail three of the 15 paragraphs, give a running summary of … More

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The Power of Panic

Emotional manipulation is a powerful weapon, and it has been used to fundamentally end the experiment in liberty begun in the 18th century in what became the United States. A lot of things had to be accomplished to bring about this end, to be sure. For example, you had to fundamentally change how the population viewed mankind, moving from a […]

Were the New Testament Authors Aware of Their Own Authority?

Sometimes, even in the academic world, things get said so many times that people assume they are true.   And when that happens, no one bothers to look at the historical evidence in a fresh way.
One example, which is fairly routine these days, is to ass…

The Orthodox Catechism: Q2 Question 2: What must you know to live and die in the joy of this comfort? Answer: Three things: first, how great my sin and misery are;(a) second, how I am set free from all my sins and misery;(b) third, how I am to thank God for such deliverance.(c) (a) Romans 3:9-10 1 John […]

Questioning the Kingdom? – Part 4: Two Kingdoms Theology

In this series, we have considered the nature of the kingdom of Christ, the fruit produced by that spiritual kingdom, and the priority of evangelism in all Christian cultural endeavors. … More

The post Questioning the Kingdom? – Part 4: Two Kingdoms Theology appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Upcoming SBC Presidential Candidate Interviews

It’s been a while since we released an episode of our podcast so I thought I would drop in to tell you about some upcoming episodes we hope you find helpful. The CR:V site is SBC-facing and as you likely know the Southern Baptist Convention’s Annual Meeting is coming up.  This year we have four […]

The post Upcoming SBC Presidential Candidate Interviews appeared first on Conservative Resurgence: Voices.

Questioning the Kingdom? – Part 3: Gospel Centrality

The last two posts in this series wrestled with questions concerning the kingdom of God and the nature of Christian cultural engagement. But this conversation is fruitless if it stays … More

The post Questioning the Kingdom? – Part 3: Gospel Centrality appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Christian Liberty with Rob Ruiz Robert is a husband of 18 years to his wife Diana, and a father of 4 children, Sophia, Bella, Joziah, and Micah Luke. He is a veteran (retired) of the United States Marine Corps, and is currently studying to become a Physician Assistant. Robert has a passion for the unity and diversity of the […]

Sullied by Skepticism: A Letter of Encouragement to a Christian Adolescent

Disclaimer: This letter is intended for a hypothetical college student who has just read Jesus Before the Gospels (Bart Ehrman), and in doing so, has experienced an acute crisis of faith. This was originally written to satisfy a doctoral seminar requirement at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.  Greetings,  It was great to see you during winter […]
