Only By the Spirit

The story is told that as Luther was arriving in the town of Worms, five hundred years ago this week, the wagon he was riding in turned a corner near the wall of the city. There, someone, knowing that Luther would probably approach the city from that direction, had scrawled on the wall, “Luther: the Saxon Hus.” Now for most […]

May We Learn To Hate Sin

Let us learn to hate sin with a godly hatred, as the root of more than half of our cares and sorrows. Let us fight against it, mortify it, crucify it, and abhor it both in ourselves and others. There cannot be a clearer proof that man is a fallen creat…

Questioning the Kingdom? – Part 2: Cultural Transformation

In the previous installment, we considered that the kingdom of God consists in the spiritual reign of Christ over the world and over his people in the church. This kingdom … More

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Does Grace Oppose Hard Work? My Upcoming Conversation with Jen Wilkin at the @TGC National Conference

So, today I am headed to Indianapolis for the TGC Women’s Conference (April 9-11), and the TGC National Conference (April 12-14). So excited to be in-person again, talking to real people.
I am speaking three times across the two conferences, so h…

Corinth and the Woke

When Paul explained the glory of the body of Christ to the Corinthians, he used many analogies to try to communicate a supernatural truth, that God is forming that body sovereignly through the progress of the Gospel in the world. Now consider what that meant at that time. Though surely there was not the level of travel that is possible […]

Deity and Decree with Sam Renihan Samuel Renihan (Ph.D.) lives in Los Angeles with his wife, Kimberly, and their son, Owen. Sam is pastor and author of various books, including The Mystery Christ, his Covenant & his Kingdom, and From Shadow to Substance: The Federal Theology of the English Particular Baptists (1642-1704) Deity and Decree: This book is a primer, in […]

What If There is No Hell?

The Doctrine of Hell is one where most people can never accept. There are even some Christians who say that a loving God can never send people to Hell. We have some who profess the name of Christ saying that God did not invent Hell, we did. Some would …
