The Afghan Taliban and The American Secularists

You wouldn’t expect it, things normally being clearer up close, but the human race has a knack for seeing idolatry at a distance. Show us idolatry over yonder and we … More

The post The Afghan Taliban and The American Secularists appeared first on Founders Ministries.

The Afghan Taliban and The American Secularists

You wouldn’t expect it, things normally being clearer up close, but the human race has a knack for seeing idolatry at a distance. Show us idolatry over yonder and we … More

The post The Afghan Taliban and The American Secularists appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Understanding the Origins, Development, and Trustworthiness of the New Testament Canon: Part 4

See part 1, part 2, and part 3. Thus far, in our efforts to understand the origins, development, and trustworthiness of the New Testament canon,[1] we have examined two key premises that refute the notion that Christians did not have a concept of the New Testament canon until the fourth century. In Article 2, we […]

Understanding the Origins, Development, and Trustworthiness of the New Testament Canon: Part 4

See part 1, part 2, and part 3. Thus far, in our efforts to understand the origins, development, and trustworthiness of the New Testament canon,[1] we have examined two key premises that refute the notion that Christians did not have a concept of the New Testament canon until the fourth century. In Article 2, we […]
