“Christ’s incarnation sanctified matter”?

Can physical matter (water, bread, relics, icons, statues, rituals, pilgrimages) cause regeneration or increase in sanctifying grace to come into our souls? My comments here are responses to Jay Dyer’s Response to Vocab Malone’s criticism of Eastern Orthodoxy and Chrismation. … Continue reading

Adam Greenway: “Anonymous Social Media Accounts” Sound Off on Litton

During Ed Litton’s appearance at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s Chapel he sat down for a conversation with Seminary President Adam Greenway. In one segment of the conversation President Greenway references his own announcement of Litton’s appearance and makes reference to “anonymous social media accounts” posting “snark” in reply.  You can see the clip in this […]

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The Ethics of the ERLC

The following is a Twitter thread (hence the “choppiness” and brevity required in that context). The fact that the structures of the SBC seem to be intent upon defending Litton and making his plagiarism just “go away” tells us much about the future value of continuing to support those entities without any real chance of effecting change within them (as […]
