The Empire of the Holy Spirit with Michael Haykin   The Empire of the Holy Spirit: Reflections on biblical and historical patterns of life in the Spirit By Michael A.G. Haykin In an interview that he gave in 2011, historian Mark Noll related how an African scholar had once told him that Western historians needed “to get the Holy Spirit back” into their […]

Religious Liberty and The Patriarch of San Fernando

John MacArthur has created a ruckus, again. A couple of his recent sermons have seemingly disparaged both democracy and religious liberty, declaring neither to be biblical concepts, at least not … More

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Eternity and Time

Consider: The one in whom all things “hold together” (συνέστηκεν, Col 1:17) Became flesh (σὰρξ ἐγένετο, Jn 1:14). The eternal acted in time. This validated the importance of the temporal, without transforming the eternal *into* the temporal, or thereby limiting it. Human language is necessarily temporal in nature, as is our thought process. Because of this, the temptation of our […]

Andrew Fuller with Jimmy Johnson Jimmy Johnson serves as the Senior Pastor at Vista Baptist Church of Osceola, Missouri. He is a husband and father, and a sinner saved by the awesome grace of God in Jesus Christ. He is the cohost of Covenant Podcast. He received his BA in Christian Ministry, emphasizing in Biblical Languages. He will receive His MDiv […]

On the Sin of Empathy

So a couple of days ago over on Twitter, where I continue to fly just underneath the radar, I broke the Internet. Of course, I made the fatal mistake of thinking, “Folks will think before reacting” (duh), “Folks will look up the terms and see what I’m talking about” (duh), “People will realize there is a background to what I’m […]

A Historical Basis for Baptist Cooperation – The Philadelphia Association

In a previous post, I talked about the 17th Century Baptists of England. Switching both centuries and continents, we now consider the 18th century Baptists of America. It is important to remember that these Baptists did not invent associations and cooperation among independent churches, so much as they built upon the conclusions their Baptist forefathers […]

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Fight Small Battles

I count myself a longtime listener, sometime caller, of The Sword and The Trowel podcast. Albeit, as any attentive listener of taste and sense will surely confirm, the quality of … More

The post Fight Small Battles appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Historical Basis for Baptist Cooperation – The 1689ers

By the 1670s the political climate in England was such that Baptists thought it prudent to show their solidarity with other English nonconformists like the Presbyterians and Congregationalists. This led to what is known today as the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession of Faith that was actually first written and published in 1677.[1] Chapter 26, […]

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