Dr. Tom Nettles on The Mission Board that Saved the Southern Baptist Convention

Renowned church historian and Southern Baptist Dr. Tom Nettles recently spoke with the Church History Matters podcast about the founding of the SBC’s Domestic Mission Board in 1845 and how that decision reverberated through the Convention. This is a great reminder of the importance of The Cooperative Program as a mechanism for funding missions and […]

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Pastor James Coates, Liberty of Conscience, and Jesus as King over Albertan Magistrates

The Albertan civil magistrate required Grace Life Church to close its doors. Pastor James Coates and the church continued to assemble as Christ directs. He now sits in jail. His … More

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Pastor James Coates, Liberty of Conscience, and Jesus as King over Albertan Magistrates

The Albertan civil magistrate required Grace Life Church to close its doors. Pastor James Coates and the church continued to assemble as Christ directs. He now sits in jail. His … More

The post Pastor James Coates, Liberty of Conscience, and Jesus as King over Albertan Magistrates appeared first on Founders Ministries.

The Orthodox Catechism: Q1

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-xvsat-fb81a9 Quest. 1. What is thy only comfort in life and death? Answ. That both in Soul and Body, whether I live or dye, I am not mine own, but belong wholly unto my most faithful Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: who by his most precious Blood fully satisfying for all my Sins, hath delivered […]

PragNAMBtism: Dr. Ezell’s position on Women Pastors in SBC Church Plants

*At the time of this posting Echo Church is still listed as a NAMB church plant with a female teaching pastor.  If the Southern Baptist Convention is going to see true reformation, the 11th Commandment has to end. For those unfamiliar with this rule, it is an unwritten agreement that you don’t talk publicly about […]

The post PragNAMBtism: Dr. Ezell’s position on Women Pastors in SBC Church Plants appeared first on Conservative Resurgence: Voices.
