What If I Can’t Answer Questions about My Faith?

Last week I began a new blog series in anticipation of my forthcoming book, Surviving Religion 101: Letters to a Christian Student on Keeping the Faith in College (Crossway, 2021). This new series will include 7 videos that tackle key intellectual ques…

Prayers for Kings

The following was originally a Twitter thread. In light of many threads today: ποιεῖσθαι δεήσεις προσευχὰς ἐντεύξεις εὐχαριστίας ὑπὲρ πάντων ἀνθρώπων to make petitions, prayers, intercessions, thanks, for all men (1Tim 2:1) followed by the inclusion of kings and those in authority. The string of nouns together with the specific command to include “kings and all in authority” is often […]

B.H. Carroll with Bill Ascol

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-cdb9b-f7f322 Bill Ascol began his ministry at Bethel Baptist Church in September 2005 after 28 years ministering in Louisiana Baptist churches. He is a former Vice-President of the Executive Board of the Louisiana Baptist Convention as well as a former President of the Louisiana Baptist Pastors’ Conference. He served as the Chairman of the Board […]

Dismantling Dispensationalism: The Origin, Necessity, and Interpretation of the Bible

Christianity is true insofar that the Holy Bible is God’s self-revelation to mankind.[1] The entirety of the Christian faith and its corresponding worldview hinges upon the Bible being the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God (2 Cor. 2:17; 4:2). At least two frightening consequences would result from the Bible simply being another book from […]

Thoughts in the Darkness

Remember, we are but mortals, seeing not even an inch in front of us into the future, and forgetting so quickly the past. We judge by the present. We judge in deep ignorance. Even three centuries of darkness would be but a brief interregnum of just judgment in God’s purposes. What if, just perhaps, such a period will reveal with […]

How I Almost Lost My Faith in College: A Preview of My Latest Book

In the fall of 1989, I began my freshman year at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Like many freshmen, I was excited for the next chapter in my life, eager to explore the new opportunities and experiences that college had to offer.
Of co…

An Update from CBTS

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-wpy72-f74858 In this episode, we get an update on Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary from their admin staff: Rex Semrad, Brice Bigham, Blake Cassell, and Roberto Soriano.    CBTS is a confessional Reformed Baptist Seminary that provides affordable online theological education to help the church in its calling to train faithful men for the Gospel ministry. […]

Deep Insight from the Past

“In this world, therefore, the dominion of good men is profitable, not so much for themselves as for human affairs. But the dominion of bad men is hurtful chiefly to themselves who rule, for they destroy their own souls by greater license in wickedness; while those who are put under them in service are not hurt except by their own […]

Alaric Paid a Visit

In the future it will be wise to speak…well, with wisdom, in what is posted initially in a public setting. It seems bots are often only interested in certain words and phrases at the start of things. So my first paragraph might seem somewhat disconnected. You’ll get the hang of it. So Alaric was a Visigoth leader who led his […]
