An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Question 4

Introduction The last question we answered told us how we know there is a God. We know there is a God because the light of nature in man and the works of God plainly declare there is a God, but His Word and Spirit only do it fully and effectually for the salvation of sinners. […]

Anthony Rogers decimated Sam “Tetzel Shamoun and William AlbrEck”

Be sure to listen carefully to all of this video and the one I linked to earlier. (see below) You can go to Shamoun’s YouTube channel (Shamounian) and see the 2 videos he did against Anthony Rogers, in a back … Continue reading

Historical Developments that slowly led to the eclipsing of the doctrine of justification by faith alone

I wrote an article on this years ago (2012) at James Swan’s blog, “Beggar’s All Reformation and Apologetics”. You can see the old article there. I have updated and edited this here. Anthony Rogers excellent recent presentation on Sola Fide … Continue reading

A Preview of What I Will Be Up To at ETS and SBL

Next week I will be headed to Dallas, and then to San Antonio, for the annual meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) and Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)—two of the largest scholarly gatherings in the world. In addition to the normal…

Sola Fide, the Council of Trent, & some early church fathers (Anthony Rogers)

I listened to the whole presentation once; I wish I had time to take notes and type up more right now. This was a great way to celebrate the Protestant Reformation on October 31, 2021. Anthony Rogers did a great … Continue reading

An Update from A Pirate Who Couldn’t Do Anything

A few years ago Alan Nelson used a phrase that briefly set SBC Twitter ablaze.  He wrote, “take the ship” and ol’ Dave Miller, who suffers from a debilitating case of thalassoharpaxophobia fell on his fainting couch moaning.  The Guinea hens that circle his website heard the commotion and sounded the alarm.  And thus a […]

The post An Update from A Pirate Who Couldn’t Do Anything appeared first on Conservative Resurgence: Voices.

Ruminations on Revelation: Solomon’s Reflections on Wisdom in Ecclesiastes

In the last chapter of Ecclesiastes, Solomon brought focus to the importance of strict attention to the written wisdom given by God (12:9-14). Solomon, from the beginning of this book, … More

The post Ruminations on Revelation: Solomon’s Reflections on Wisdom in Ecclesiastes appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Reassembling the Wreckage of Religious Freedom: Why Now *Is* The Time For Urging Liberty of Conscience and Supporting Those Seeking Religious Exemptions

Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord … More

The post Reassembling the Wreckage of Religious Freedom: Why Now *Is* The Time For Urging Liberty of Conscience and Supporting Those Seeking Religious Exemptions appeared first on Founders Ministries.

An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Question 3

Introduction Who is the first and greatest of beings? God is the first and greatest of beings. Should everyone believe there is a God? Everyone should believe there is a God, and it is their great sin and folly who do not. The questions and answers of the catechism are interrelated and build off of […]

An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Question 2

Introduction Last time we considered the first question and answer of the Baptist Catechism: Who is the first and greatest of beings? God is the first and greatest of beings. Now we will consider the second question and answer. Body Question and Answer Q. 2. Should everyone believe there is a God? A. 2. Everyone […]

A Report on What’s Going on Among Colorado Baptists

Earlier this summer, after the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) convened in Nashville, a number of SBC pastors in Colorado reached out to fellow pastor, Sean Cole (Emmanuel Baptist, Sterling, CO). … More

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A Secular Sacrament: Why Mandates Violate Liberty of Conscience and Enforce a New Religion

Since the Biden Administration mandated soldiers and federal workers to be fully vaccinated, while also requiring private businesses larger than 100 employees to require vaccines, chaos has ensued. Defending the … More

The post A Secular Sacrament: Why Mandates Violate Liberty of Conscience and Enforce a New Religion appeared first on Founders Ministries.
