Ed Litton, Southern Baptist Leaders, and Judgment Day Honesty: A Call for Accountability and Action by Southern Baptist Churches

The eighteenth-century writer, Samuel Johnson, once quipped, “Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.” Though, to … More

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Lessons from Church History

One of the things I really enjoyed about our initial jaunt into roadtripping was getting to meet new folks in smaller churches. I met with the elders of a church in Las Vegas, Redeemer Community Church and had dinner with them. I aged 1000 years when I realized that their oldest elder is just a bit younger than my youngest […]

Understanding the Origins, Development, and Trustworthiness of the New Testament Canon: Part 5

See part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4. As we draw this series to a conclusion, we will consider the pastoral and contemporary relevance for properly understanding the origins, development, and trustworthiness of the New Testament canon.[1] The objective of this series was to demonstrate that the New Testament canon was a concept firmly entrenched in […]

Reflecting on the Baptist Faith & Message, Part 1: Introduction

At the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention in the year 2000, a report from a committee appointed to review and revise the convention’s confessional statement, the Baptist Faith and Message, included these words in the preface to its report: Baptists are a people of deep beliefs and cherished doctrines. Throughout our history we […]

The post Reflecting on the Baptist Faith & Message, Part 1: Introduction appeared first on Conservative Resurgence: Voices.

Reflecting on the Baptist Faith & Message, Part 1: Introduction

At the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention in the year 2000, a report from a committee appointed to review and revise the convention’s confessional statement, the Baptist Faith and Message, included these words in the preface to its report: Baptists are a people of deep beliefs and cherished doctrines. Throughout our history we […]

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Not Woke is Not Enough

R.C. Sproul once said, “The cultural revolution of the 1960’s was similar to the French Revolution in that its goal was to bring radical change to the forms, structures, values, … More

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Examining Dispensationalism’s Defunct Covenant Theology: The Abrahamic Covenant

This article will analyze how the Abrahamic Covenant is understood within the Dispensational and Particular Baptist theological frameworks. In keeping with the observable pattern of this portion of the Dismantling Dispensationalism series, each of the three main classifications of Dispensationalism will be categorized with the primary source that corresponds to that respective classification. Furthermore, relevant […]

Evangelicalism’s Cultural Captivity

Is truth dynamic or static? Does objective truth even matter anymore? Does a transcendent standard for interpreting reality still exist? Or is our relationship to reality so subjective that our … More

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The Afghan Taliban and The American Secularists

You wouldn’t expect it, things normally being clearer up close, but the human race has a knack for seeing idolatry at a distance. Show us idolatry over yonder and we … More

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The Afghan Taliban and The American Secularists

You wouldn’t expect it, things normally being clearer up close, but the human race has a knack for seeing idolatry at a distance. Show us idolatry over yonder and we … More

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Understanding the Origins, Development, and Trustworthiness of the New Testament Canon: Part 4

See part 1, part 2, and part 3. Thus far, in our efforts to understand the origins, development, and trustworthiness of the New Testament canon,[1] we have examined two key premises that refute the notion that Christians did not have a concept of the New Testament canon until the fourth century. In Article 2, we […]

Understanding the Origins, Development, and Trustworthiness of the New Testament Canon: Part 4

See part 1, part 2, and part 3. Thus far, in our efforts to understand the origins, development, and trustworthiness of the New Testament canon,[1] we have examined two key premises that refute the notion that Christians did not have a concept of the New Testament canon until the fourth century. In Article 2, we […]

Vaccine Mandates and the Christian’s Liberty of Conscience: From 2021 to 1721 and Back Again

Over this past week, multiple people inside and outside the church have asked about navigating matters of conscience and healthcare when it comes to COVID-19 vaccine mandates. As mandates multiply … More

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