An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Question 8-9

Introduction Last time we contemplated how God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth. Now we come to contemplate the fact that this God is one and there is no other and how this one God is one in essence and three in persons. We […]

The “Omnis” Argument Against Calvinism

I would like to briefly respond to an argument presented by Dr. Tim Stratton which he styles the Omni Argument Against Calvinism: 1- If Calvinism is true, whomever God provides “irresistible grace” to will go to heaven and not suffer eternal hell. 2- If God is omnibenevolent, He would not desire to, nor would He, send anyone to suffer eternal […]

The post The “Omnis” Argument Against Calvinism appeared first on Alpha and Omega Ministries.

Created for Communion: A Primer on Man’s Sabbath Rest in the Triune God — Part 2

*Note: This is the second installment in a three-part series. You can access the previous article here. Premises 1 and 2: As a natural law, the Sabbath pattern[1] is universally binding throughout every generation of human history. From the outset of creation, God sanctified one day to be reserved for resting from weekly labor and […]

Created for Communion: A Primer on Man’s Sabbath Rest in the Triune God — Part 1

*Note: This is the first installment in a three-part series. You can access each subsequent article as they are released on the Covenant Confessions blog. Throughout the history of the Western world, few philosophers have managed to define the meaning of human life as succinctly as Saint Augustine. In the opening remarks contained in his […]

An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Question 7

Introduction It has been some time since we considered the Baptist Catechism and the Scriptural truths it states and orders simply and memorably. We ended with the sixth question that set the stage for questions 7-86. Q. 6. What are the Holy Scriptures mainly about? A. 6. The Holy Scriptures are mainly about what man […]

Praying to dead saints, icons, relics

Most of Jordan Cooper’s videos are very good (I just disagree with him on Baptism and his views against Reformed theology, but on other historical theology and church history issues, and justification by faith alone, he is great!) Especially this … Continue reading

Josiah vs Jehoiakim: The SBC’s Decision for 2022 and Beyond (Part 2)

In Part 1, we considered 2 Chronicles 34 and King Josiah. We saw how Josiah responded humbly and obediently to God’s Word. It reminds us that the great hope for … More

The post Josiah vs Jehoiakim: The SBC’s Decision for 2022 and Beyond (Part 2) appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Is Deconstruction the Same as Deconversion? A Few Reflections on Reforming the Church

The last few years have been a rough stretch for the evangelical church. Plagued not only by a complex and intractable health crisis with COVID, the church has also faced an increasingly polarized cultural-political environment as well as numerous inte…

A Call to Action for Southern Baptist Pastors

My friend and fellow pastor, Josh Buice, announced yesterday that the church he serves, Pray’s Mill Baptist on the west side of Atlanta, has officially broken ties with the Southern … More

The post A Call to Action for Southern Baptist Pastors appeared first on Founders Ministries.
