An Eastern Orthodox Perspective on Roman Catholicism and on Protestant Faith

Originally posted on Apologetics and Agape: And also, in this post, I will address Archpriest Josiah Trenham – his EO perspective on Evangelical Protestant Faith The first video (above) by Dr. Ryan Reeves gives a good overview of the…

A Trumpet Blown in London: Benjamin Keach and the Doctrine of the Last Judgment

Day of judgment! Day of wonders! Hark! the trumpet’s awful sound, louder than a thousand thunders, shakes the vast creation round. How the summons will the sinner’s heart confound!   … More

The post A Trumpet Blown in London: Benjamin Keach and the Doctrine of the Last Judgment appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Counsel from the Confession? 1689 Eschatology and Pastoral Biblical Counseling

“Why do you wear a beard? Our last pastor said godly men are clean-shaven.” “Do your wife and kids ever get tired of you reading the Bible and preaching to … More

The post Counsel from the Confession? 1689 Eschatology and Pastoral Biblical Counseling appeared first on Founders Ministries.
