Is Grace Fair?

There are some things in life that are simply not fair. Someone gets the promotion that you have been wanting. Someone gets the job you applied for even though you are more qualified than the person was hired. Someone gets away with committing a crime …

Is Grace Fair?

There are some things in life that are simply not fair. Someone gets the promotion that you have been wanting. Someone gets the job you applied for even though you are more qualified than the person was hired. Someone gets away with committing a crime …

Reformation, Missions, & Church History

(Photo of ancient church ruins in Philadelphia of Revelation 3:7-13 & a Mosque in between) Even Philadelphia eventually left it’s first love. (see Rev. 2:4-5) The ruins of columns of an ancient Byzantine church in the ancient city of Philadelphia, now … Continue reading

Abortion and Our Lost Our Ability to Reason Morally

The inability or unwillingness of Christians to employ rigorous, biblical, moral reasoning to address public attacks on God and Scripture over the last few years has been as stunning as … More

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