Do You Really Believe and Practice Sola Scriptura?

Ask yourself a question: have you seriously engaged the study of Scripture, so that you have basic, foundational hermeneutical principles clearly in your thinking? Are you considering the original context, author, audience, and the genre of what you are reading (didactic, poetry, etc.)? Are you looking to the entire argument of the book or epistle, and then, finally, to the […]

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Is the Concept of a “Self-Authenticating” Bible a Modern Invention?

How do we know which books are from God, and which are not?  Certainly the apostolic origins of a book can help identify it as being from God (see post here). And, the church’s overall consensus on a book can be part of how we identity it as being from…

Examining Dispensationalism’s Defunct Covenant Theology: The New Covenant

This article will analyze the New Covenant, as understood within Dispensational and Particular Baptist theological frameworks. In keeping with the pattern of this section of the Dismantling Dispensationalism series, each of the three main classifications of Dispensationalism will be categorized with the primary source that corresponds thereto. Moreover, relevant citations from a Particular Baptist (1689 […]

An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Questions 10-11

Introduction Now that we have considered God’s existence, attributes, and trinity, we may begin to contemplate His acts. We start not with the external acts of God. We start with the internal acts, namely His decrees or sometimes referred to in the singular as His decree. Body Question 10  A. Question and Answer Q. 10. […]

An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Questions 10-11

Introduction Now that we have considered God’s existence, attributes, and trinity, we may begin to contemplate His acts. We start not with the external acts of God. We start with the internal acts, namely His decrees or sometimes referred to in the singular as His decree. Body Question 10  A. Question and Answer Q. 10. […]

What If Jesus Sinned?

We believe that Jesus lived a perfect, obedient life before the Father while living on earth. He is the One fulfilled the law of God on our behalf through His active obedience. The Bible says, “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so th…

The Psychology of Catholic Converts Examined (and Eastern Orthodox)

This is an excellent examination of some of the aspects of what drives Evangelical Protestants to convert to Roman Catholicism (and I would add that conversions to EO have similar aspects.) The quotes by Raymond Brown are especially enlightening. Be … Continue reading

The Psychology of Catholic Converts Examined (and Eastern Orthodox)

This is an excellent examination of some of the aspects of what drives Evangelical Protestants to convert to Roman Catholicism (and I would add that conversions to EO have similar aspects.) The quotes by Raymond Brown are especially enlightening. Be … Continue reading

Looking for Brief and Accessible Books on the Origins of the Biblical Canon? Here are Two Good Ones

Whenever I speak on the origins of the New Testament canon, I am regularly asked about whether there are brief, accessible books on the subject—the kind that could be given to lay folks in the church. Unfortunately, my books on canon usually don’…

Looking for Brief and Accessible Books on the Origins of the Biblical Canon? Here are Two Good Ones

Whenever I speak on the origins of the New Testament canon, I am regularly asked about whether there are brief, accessible books on the subject—the kind that could be given to lay folks in the church. Unfortunately, my books on canon usually don’…

False Doctrines of 2 of the churches that claim to be “Apostolic”

Two excellent series by Dr. Jordan Cooper, a Lutheran minister. As a committed Protestant, Evangelical, Reformed Baptist, I agree with him on these issues. Excellent analaysis. I am making my own comments here and there, but please listen to Dr. … Continue reading
