Responding to Objections Against Criminalization

As more and more bills of equal protection are filed across the nation, equip yourself to answer some of the most common retorts you will hear regarding the full criminalization of abortion. #1. Women were not prosecuted for having illegal abortions before Roe. Prior to Roe, the demand for prosecution of aborting mothers varied. Some …

Responding to Objections Against Criminalization Read More »

Augustine (400) – On The Harmony of The Gospels, Book 4

Thanks for reading this latest installment from my current project of reading (and blogging) through Augustine’s works. This book, known as On The Harmony of The Gospels, is an exposition of the 4 Gospels with a purpose of relating their differences and how the differences could be harmonized. It is actually one of his lengthier …

Continue reading Augustine (400) – On The Harmony of The Gospels, Book 4

Inauguration Prayer for Governor Ron DeSantis

“Pay to all what is owed to them:…honor to whom honor is owed.” — Romans 13:7 “Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.” — 1 Peter 2:17 Governmental leaders are to be honored because of the position that they occupy. Christians owe them this even when they act dishonorably—not that we ignore […]

The post Inauguration Prayer for Governor Ron DeSantis appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Augustine (400) – On The Harmony of The Gospels, Book 3, Part 2

Thanks for reading this latest installment from my current project of reading (and blogging) through Augustine’s works. This book, known as On The Harmony of The Gospels, is an exposition of the 4 Gospels with a purpose of relating their differences and how the differences could be harmonized. It is actually one of his lengthier …

Continue reading Augustine (400) – On The Harmony of The Gospels, Book 3, Part 2

Live from the Creation Museum: Equal Protection Bill (Streaming at 11am EST on the 25th)

Frankfort, Kentucky (January 13, 2023) — End Abortion Now, in partnership with Action for Life and Abolish Abortion Kentucky, forwarding legislation to protect all human life in the state from the moment of fertilization.  Rep. Emily Callaway (R) serves to introduce “The Abolition of Abortion in Kentucky Act.” The bill is one of equal protection …

Live from the Creation Museum: Equal Protection Bill (Streaming at 11am EST on the 25th) Read More »

Sloppy ways Evangelicals talk about the Canon of Scripture and Church History

Originally written in 2014 at Beggar’s All. I have edited it some and added some. Be Careful the way you communicate the issue of the canon in the early church Andy Stanley, Pastor of NorthPoint Community Church outside of Atlanta, … Continue reading

When Were Christians First Regarded as Intolerant “Haters”?

In the midst of the high octane culture wars of the last ten years, Christians have been labelled all sorts of things: intolerant, bigoted, arrogant, narrow, dogmatic, just to name a few.
But, one noteworthy word stands out. Christians have been labell…

Augustine (400) – On The Harmony of The Gospels, Book 3, Part 1

Thanks for reading this latest installment from my current project of reading (and blogging) through Augustine’s works. This book, known as On The Harmony of The Gospels, is an exposition of the 4 Gospels with a purpose of relating their differences and how the differences could be harmonized. It is actually one of his lengthier …

Continue reading Augustine (400) – On The Harmony of The Gospels, Book 3, Part 1

Can One Be Right Before God?

In the book of Job, we see the suffering of one man who the devil wanted to prove to God that he will curse Him if calamity should fall upon him. God granted Satan to cause great suffering to Job with the exception of taking his life. Job sat in silenc…

Icon Veneration is clearly an Accretion!

Proof that Protestantism is true as opposed to Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism; because both Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism violate the Scriptures On many issues. This one is about icon veneration. Icon veneration is wrong in worship contexts. Praying … Continue reading

Augustine (417) – On the Proceedings of Pelagius, Part 2

Thanks for reading this latest installment from my current project of reading (and blogging) through Augustine’s works. This book, known as On the Proceedings of Pelagius, is a short volume at around 42 pages. Below is a brief excerpt from the editor of the translation that I used. This is the second and final part …

Continue reading Augustine (417) – On the Proceedings of Pelagius, Part 2

Biblical Sexuality Sunday 2023

Biblical Sexuality Sunday 2023 A call to faithfully preach God’s good design for marriage and sexuality   A Brave, New, 1984 World On December 8th, 2021, the Canadian Government gave Royal Assent to Bill C-4, “And Act to amend the Criminal Code (conversion therapy).” One months later, on January 8th, 2022, the Bill became law in […]

The post Biblical Sexuality Sunday 2023 appeared first on Founders Ministries.

An Empty Name

Over the centuries many interpretations have been offered for the letters to the churches in Revelation 2 and 3. Outside of the basic understanding that these letters represent the state of these local churches in the first century, others have viewed them as representing ages of the church down through history. It is easy to see how this is an […]

The post An Empty Name appeared first on Alpha and Omega Ministries.

Augustine (417) – On the Proceedings of Pelagius, Part 1

Thanks for reading this latest installment from my current project of reading (and blogging) through Augustine’s works. This book, known as On the Proceedings of Pelagius, is a short volume at around 42 pages. Below is a brief excerpt from the editor of the translation that I used. “Written about the commencement of the year, …

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