Were Later Versions of Christianity Radically Different than Earlier Ones? Reflecting on Recent Scholarly Claims

I think it’s fair to say that the last decade has witnessed a bit of a resurgence of academic interest in early Christianity.
By “early Christianity,” I don’t mean the Christianity represented by the major figures in the fourth and fifth centuries when…

Were Later Versions of Christianity Radically Different than Earlier Ones? Reflecting on Recent Scholarly Claims

I think it’s fair to say that the last decade has witnessed a bit of a resurgence of academic interest in early Christianity.
By “early Christianity,” I don’t mean the Christianity represented by the major figures in the fourth and fifth centuries when…

Augustine (401) – On Baptism, Against the Donatists, Book 6

Thanks for reading this latest installment from my current project of reading (and blogging) through Augustine’s works. This book, known as “On Baptism, Against the Donatists” was written in response to the Donatists who were teaching various doctrines regarding baptism (and, specifically, related to re-baptism of converts to the Church from heretical groups). Augustine addresses …

Continue reading Augustine (401) – On Baptism, Against the Donatists, Book 6

Augustine (401) – On Baptism, Against the Donatists, Book 5

Thanks for reading this latest installment from my current project of reading (and blogging) through Augustine’s works. This book, known as “On Baptism, Against the Donatists” was written in response to the Donatists who were teaching various doctrines regarding baptism (and, specifically, related to re-baptism of converts to the Church from heretical groups). Augustine addresses …

Continue reading Augustine (401) – On Baptism, Against the Donatists, Book 5

6 Ways that Christian Students Can Prepare for College: #3 What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger

I am in the middle of a 6-part series helping Christian students think through how to prepare for life at a big university. This topic is particularly relevant, I hope, given the number of high school seniors who are in the middle of deciding where the…

An Exposition of the Baptist Catechism Question 22

Introduction Having previously considered the sinfulness of the state in which man fell, we now consider the misery of that state. The Baptist Catechism, Question #22 Q. 22. What is the misery of that estate whereinto man fell? A. 22. All mankind by their fall lost communion with God,⁠¹⁠ are under his wrath and curse,⁠²⁠ […]

Augustine (415) – Letter 167 (Augustine) or 132 (Jerome) [From Augustine to Jerome, on James 2:10]

Thanks for reading this latest installment from my current project of reading (and blogging) through Augustine’s works. This book, known as Letter 167 (Augustine) or 132 (Jerome) [From Augustine to Jerome, on James 2:10 (A.D. 415)] Augustine thought that a prior letter of his had gotten too long, so he states his purpose for discussing …

Continue reading Augustine (415) – Letter 167 (Augustine) or 132 (Jerome) [From Augustine to Jerome, on James 2:10]

A Biblical Defense of Christ’s Descent

Historically, various opinions and debates surrounding the doctrine of Christ’s descent has led to it being a neglected topic. Many Evangelical churches have given little attention to this important doctrine. While the descent is a credal line confessed in the Apostle’s and Athanasian Creeds, many believe it to be unbiblical; consequently, the line is removed.[1] However, […]

Augustine (415) – From Augustine to Jerome, on the origin of the soul

Thanks for reading this latest installment from my current project of reading (and blogging) through Augustine’s works. This book, known as From Augustine to Jerome, On the Origin of the Soul (A.D. 415). Augustine prays that what he’s writing will be profitable to both Jerome and himself. Unto our God, who has called us unto …

Continue reading Augustine (415) – From Augustine to Jerome, on the origin of the soul

6 Ways that Christian Students Can Prepare for College: #2 You Won’t Have All the Answers

Last week I began a new 6-part series helping Christian students think through how to prepare for life at a big university. The series is based on a recent lecture I gave to the Regents School in Austin, Texas, where I laid out 6 principles designed to…
