6 Ways Christian Students Can Prepare for College: #6 Stick Together Like a Band of Brothers (or Sisters)

Over the last few months I have been working through a 6-part series helping Christian students think through how to prepare for life at a big university. This topic is particularly relevant, I hope, given the number of high school seniors who are in t…

Shall We Respect The Elders?

It can be an inglorious task to say anything about the current generation. Some concepts that would have been considered “conventional wisdom” a few years ago and wouldn’t require a lot of explanation are now under scrutiny and being reframed in an impressive and frightening exercise of deconstructing ideas that we see today. I want […]

The post Shall We Respect The Elders? appeared first on Founders Ministries.

6 Ways Christian Students Can Prepare for College: #5 Doubting Your Faith Does Not Make You a Bad Christian

I am in the middle of a 6-part series helping Christian students think through how to prepare for life at a big university. This topic is particularly relevant, I hope, given the number of high school seniors who are in the middle of deciding where the…

Holy Week Devotional: He is Risen!

Resurrection Sunday Devotional Main Text: Luke 24:1-7 There have been many wonderful moments in human history. Just within the past 200 years, we have seen: the invention of telephones, televisions, and computers; the development of x-rays, CT scans, and world-changing medications; transportation methods via aircrafts, automobiles, and subways. It is remarkable to consider how one event, […]

Holy Week Devotional: Recognizing Christ’s Absolute Authority

Tuesday Devotional Main Text: Matthew 21:23-23:39 Everybody has an ultimate authority for what they believe and how they live. If pressed hard enough, people will eventually appeal to a supreme standard that governs their intellectual convictions and daily actions. When it comes to identifying the origins of one’s ultimate authority, there are really only two […]
