Divine Forgiveness Admired and Imitated

“Divine Forgiveness Admired and Imitated” Colossians 3:13 Charles Spurgeon MTP, May 1885 Sermon number 1841 Taken from Spurgeon’s Expository Encyclopedia 7:401, 402, 405, 406. When He forgives He forgives the whole of our faults, follies, failures, and offenses. There is a certain solidarity about sin, so that it makes up one lump. I read the other day […]

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Forgiving Myself?

“Forgiving myself” is common practice among Christians today, almost taken for granted as right, necessary, and biblical. The idea runs roughly like this: when I sin, I must confess my wrongdoing to God, accept his pardon, and then forgive myself. Poignantly reflecting the heavily psychologized world in which the Church walks, to witness how vigorously […]

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Forgiving God? 

Plans sputter, hopes crumble, relationships derail, or evil exposes itself. I know I did my part – but God didn’t come through. Because life is full of disappointments, modern pastors and writers inform me, it must also be full of forgiveness. Their sage advice? Loosely commandeering Psalm 142:2, they urge cultivating a lifestyle of forgiving others, forgiving […]

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