A Statement of Appreciation for Wayne Grudem

Recently I received the prayer letter from Wayne Grudem. He sends these out because he really wants the saints to join in prayer that Wayne’s calling, gifts, experience, and projects be owned of God for his glory and the leavening effect of his truth. The letter this week contained a prayer request to pray in […]

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Athanasius consistent with 2 Timothy 3:16-17

A Roman Catholic argued with me: “I do straight to the early church fathers” My response: why not go straight to the apostles/apostolic writings? (The 27 books of the New Testament ) Only those writings/ Scriptures are infallible, since they … Continue reading

Athanasius consistent with 2 Timothy 3:16-17

A Roman Catholic argued with me: “I do straight to the early church fathers” My response: why not go straight to the apostles/apostolic writings? (The 27 books of the New Testament ) Only those writings/ Scriptures are infallible, since they … Continue reading

Charles Spurgeon’s Public Evangelism (Part Three)

This article is Part 3 in a series, you can read Part 1 and Part 2 here. In the last two posts, we have seen that evangelism was integral to Spurgeon’s public ministry. Similarly, Spurgeon was concerned with equipping men to preach the everlasting gospel to the lost. In this final post, we will explore Spurgeon’s methods […]

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