Roman Catholics Worshipping Mary on Video, Trump’s New York “Conviction,” Soteriology 101 on Election

Played a video of Roman Catholics singing to a statue of Mary as backdrop to once again explaining that the latria/dulia distinction has no meaning or merit. Then commented quickly on the breaking news of Trump’s conviction in New York, then mo…

The Changing World of Mormonism, A Few Tweets, 90 Minutes

Spent most of the first hour dealing with the changing world of Mormonism in light of comments from the “Ward Radio Show” and the idea of “religious bigotry” in not accepting Mormonism and its plurality of Gods as a Christian church. Looked at a chart about global fertility rates and what the future might hold in light of the collapse […]

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John Owen’s Usage of Thomas Aquinas, Part 6

This is a follow up to the previous posts in this blog series where I will go through the works of John Owen detailing where he has mentioned Thomas Aquinas. I hope that this series is helpful. In this sixth part, I would like to finish looking at the mentions of Thomas Aquinas in the 7 Volumes of his “Exposition of the […]

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“catholic” little c (Universal) vs. Roman Catholic

A Roman Catholic writes: “What you fail to mention is that God appointed that same church to compile the Canon of the Scriptures. Without the role of the Catholic Church- impossible because there was no other church– we wouldn’t have … Continue reading

Does it Matter Whether Seminary Education is In-Person or Online?

Ever since I became the president of the Charlotte campus of Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS)—now more than a decade ago—I’ve been committed to a basic practice. It might not seem like much. It’s not anything extraordinary. But I think it has proven…

The Saving Design of God’s Common Grace

This article was originally posted in Issue 116 of the Founders Journal. Theologians frequently distinguish two species of divine grace in the Scriptures: saving grace and common grace. God directs the former particularly to the elect; God showers the latter indiscriminately on all men in general. Saving grace is, as its designation suggests, efficacious in […]

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Are God’s Justice and Mercy Incompatible?

In the book, The Impossibility of God,[1] the editors present five categories of arguments that they claim disprove God’s existence. One such claim asserts that “a contradiction between two or more of God’s attributes” renders God impossible, as follows: For instance, Theodore M. Drange argues that God as both an “all-just” and “all-merciful” judge cannot […]

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“How stingless death!”: Surveying a Baptist Interpretation of 1 Corinthians 15:55

As Christian, the allegorical pilgrim, marched into the river, chest-deep and deeper, he rejoiced with a song: “O grave, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting?” This comes from the second part of the Pilgrim’s Progress, where John Bunyan (1628–1688) writes of the believer’s approach to death. When the pilgrim ends the […]

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Reforming Sexuality? Gender, Leadership and the Bible in the Controversy Between John Knox & Queen Mary

“My people infants are their oppressors, and women rule over them.” Isaiah 3:12 Starting decades ago, many, especially in the universities, have lost faith in the Western civilization narrative. While this is not necessarily a new phenomenon, few have been the voices in the academia wanting to explore the possible reasons that led to such […]

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Reforming Sexuality? Gender, Leadership and the Bible in the Controversy Between John Knox & Queen Mary

“My people infants are their oppressors, and women rule over them.” Isaiah 3:12 Starting decades ago, many, especially in the universities, have lost faith in the Western civilization narrative. While this is not necessarily a new phenomenon, few have been the voices in the academia wanting to explore the possible reasons that led to such […]

The post Reforming Sexuality? Gender, Leadership and the Bible in the Controversy Between John Knox & Queen Mary appeared first on Founders Ministries.

A Medley of Reformed Relevance

This edition of the Founders Journal puts together articles on a broad spectrum of specific topics but all informed by the big ideas of the Reformed Confessional heritage.   Ottavio Palombaro, in addition to having gained a (Th.D.), also gained a Ph. D. in economic sociology along with a BA in cultural anthropology. His expertise […]

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