The Holiness of God and the Sinfulness of Man

Few things are more important than knowing and understanding God’s holiness. Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” If we want to have any wisdom at all or if we want to begin to make any progress in understanding God, […]

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Four Essential Marks of Christian Disciples

Displaying His Imprint As Jesus Christ walked the earth as God incarnate, He also taught disciples to follow Him by keeping His commandments and glorifying God through service. The New Testament defines a disciple as a “learner, indicating thought accompanied by endeavor.”[1] To be a biblical disciple goes beyond being a pupil in a classroom, studying […]

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A Teachable Moment Regarding Recent SBC Leadership

Many of the current problems in the Southern Baptist Convention have been self-inflicted due primarily to failed leadership. Lack of integrity and lack of courage are two chief ingredients of such failure. Jared Wellman put both on display on Saturday night.

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Understanding God’s Holiness

In the last post, we studied what an encounter with our holy God looks like and how it changes us. True believers are filled with dread, awe, fear, and reverence upon encountering the holy God of Israel. This is completely antithetical to the world and sadly many evangelical churches that display a glibness and a […]

The post Understanding God’s Holiness appeared first on Founders Ministries.

On Presidential Immunity and the SCOTUS

Rational people had come to the same conclusion SCOTUS did on the topic of Presidential immunity for, well, as long as the republic has existed. You cannot have a functioning Presidency if the President can be imprisoned after his term for doing what he had to do as President. That does happen, in banana republics, communist countries, etc. But it […]

The post On Presidential Immunity and the SCOTUS appeared first on Alpha and Omega Ministries.

Capital Punishment is Pro-Life

Introduction Recently the New York Times visited our studio office in Arizona to interview Pastor Jeff Durbin about the ministry of End Abortion Now. The interview can be found here and includes interaction with a Students for Life representative as well as Matt Gress of the Arizona House of Representatives. We were pleasantly surprised with […]
