Can One Be Right Before God?

In the book of Job, we see the suffering of one man who the devil wanted to prove to God that he will curse Him if calamity should fall upon him. God granted Satan to cause great suffering to Job with the exception of taking his life. Job sat in silenc…

Scougal on Humility

C.S. Lewis once said, Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less. Make not be the most forward definition of humility, but it does get the point across that we are not make the most of ourselves. The Bible says God gives g…

20 Years Later

In December 2001, our son was over three months old and our country was still feeling the affects of the terror attacks that happened on 9/11. My wife and I moved from East Texas to Bowie, Tx where I took a full-time position as Youth Pastor at a South…
