John MacArthur: The Greatest of All Spiritual Blessings
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him in …
Truth Never Changes, Heresy Does
Truth never changes with the times, but heresy always does. In fact, heresy’s sublety is seen most clearly in the ever-shifting tides of change. The church is threatened by some grave error until a defense is finally mounted, and the threat is defeated…
Follow Christ, Not Cultural Trends
The church isn’t supposed to blindly follow mainstream cultural trends—even powerful ones with massive elite support and financial backing. It is supposed to uphold and live out the counter-cultural ways of Christ’s kingdom as salt and light in the mid…
The Church Needs Clear and Faithful Proclamation of the Gospel
We must be committed to a clear and faithful proclamation of the gospel. We must present Christ in all of his glory, as an all-sufficient savior, both able and willing to save all those who come to him in faith. We must not merely be committed to affir…
Bible Filled Sermons
Sermons should be full of the Bible, sweetened, strengthened, and sanctified with Bible essence. Outgrowths of Scripture are the kinds of sermons people need to hear. If they do not love to hear them, this is all the more reason why we should preach Sc…
The Root of Holiness
The very root of holiness lies in the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and if we remove this and take a view grounded in more fruitfulness, we make the most astounding mistake. We have seen a fine morality, a stern integrity, a delicate purity, and, wh…
The Bible, Not The Victim, Is Our Authority
Christians should never allow anything other than God and the Bible to be our ultimate authority on what is true. God’s Word says that all people are sinners, capable of great evil—not just the Japanese, or Jews, or white men. It also says all people a…
The Gospel Can Transform The World
There are some that believe preaching the gospel is not enough to make change in our society. What must be done is to act. Some would say make reparations, protest, and even speaking out against injustice. Those things might be good in the sight of man…
May We Learn To Hate Sin
Let us learn to hate sin with a godly hatred, as the root of more than half of our cares and sorrows. Let us fight against it, mortify it, crucify it, and abhor it both in ourselves and others. There cannot be a clearer proof that man is a fallen creat…
Apostasy is Dangerous to the Church
Apostasy is not merely a problem for peripheral or obviously half-hearted disciples. Christian leaders sometimes apostatize too. Because they love power and prestige—or because of other equally sinister motives, such as lust (Jude 4; 2 Peter 2:10) and …
Apostasy is Dangerous to the Church
Apostasy is not merely a problem for peripheral or obviously half-hearted disciples. Christian leaders sometimes apostatize too. Because they love power and prestige—or because of other equally sinister motives, such as lust (Jude 4; 2 Peter 2:10) and …
Sproul on John 3:16 and the Ability to Choose God
The Bible teaches that we were predestined to be adopted into the family of God (Ephesians 1:5). Jesus says that whoever comes, He will not cast out (John 6:37). Considering these passages, we see that John 3:16 says that “whoever believes in Him (Jesu…
Getting John 3:16 Right
The world’s most famous Bible passage happens to be John 3:16, which says:For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life (LSB).For those who do not believe in God’s s…
A Reminder on What is Good about Good Friday
This is a Repost of What Is So Good About Good Friday? with a few changes:Ever wonder why we call the Friday before Easter, Good Friday? I’ll tell you why, but first we need to think back to the beginning. In the beginning, God created …
What If There is No Hell?
The Doctrine of Hell is one where most people can never accept. There are even some Christians who say that a loving God can never send people to Hell. We have some who profess the name of Christ saying that God did not invent Hell, we did. Some would …