Steven Lawson: The Word of the Lord Stands Forever
I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and tea…
An Introduction to Covenant Theology with Theocast
I must confess that I am still a rookie when it comes to Covenant Theology. I have read books and articles on the subject and even listened to podcasts discussing it. Some of you might be in the same boat as I am or you might know someone who is new to…
Roundtable Discussions on the Legacy Standard Bible
There has been a lot of buzz regarding the new Legacy Standard Bible, which the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs was released in early March. Ever since the news of this translation came out, I have been really excited about it. There has been …
The Church is an Army
The Church of Christ is continually represented under the figure of an army; yet its Captain is the Prince of Peace; its object is the establishment of peace, and its soldiers are men of a peaceful disposition. The spirit of war is at the extremely opp…
The Church is an Army
The Church of Christ is continually represented under the figure of an army; yet its Captain is the Prince of Peace; its object is the establishment of peace, and its soldiers are men of a peaceful disposition. The spirit of war is at the extremely opp…
All Authority Belongs To Jesus
“All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.” This is a truth which is declared by Paul to the Philippians: God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name (Philippians 2:9). It is a truth which in nowise t…
A Sermon Series on the Cessation of the Revelatory Sign-Gifts
One of the discussion among Christians today is whether or not the Revelatory sign-gifts have ceased. Some have said they have while others have not. I admit that I have been back and forth on this issue many times, but have come to the conclusion that…
Book Review: Virtual Reality Church by Darrell L Bock and Jonathan J Armstrong
Technology can be a wonderful thing. Many have benefited from it. Granted we love it when it works and want to curse it when it does not. Technology in many ways have been a great asset to the church with websites, apps, and even livestreaming this ser…
Why Do We Not Have Sacrifices Anymore?
A question that comes up when one goes through the Old Testament is why do we not have a sacrifices anymore. That is a fair question because God has instituted the sacrificial in the book of Leviticus which seems to be one part that most people tend to…
Christ is Our King and Priest
Yahweh says to my Lord:“Sit at My right handUntil I put Your enemies as a footstool for Your feet.”Yahweh will stretch forth Your strong scepter from Zion, saying,“Have dominion in the midst of Your enemies.”Your people will offer themselves freely in …
2 Chronicles 7:14 Has Nothing to Do with America
For most Americans, they have probably went to a church that prayed for their country. There is nothing wrong to pray for the nation you live, but we, in the United States, have a tendency to grab one verse out of the Bible and claim it as if we were W…
Just Thinking Podcast on Critical Race Theory
For 3 1/2 hours, Darrell Harrison and Virgil Walker spend time talking about what is Critical Race Theory and why Christians need to be aware of it:
Dead Men Podcast on Critical Race Theory
The guys over at Dead Men Ministries discuss Critical Race Theory:
Why The Cross is Fertile Soil for Fearing God?
The cross is the most fertile soil for the fear of God. Why? First, because the cross, by the forgiveness it brings, liberates us from sinful fear. But more than that: it also cultivates the most exquisitely fearful adoration of the Redeemer. Think of …
Martyn Lloyd-Jones: Test Your View of the Cross
The Cross does not merely tell us that God forgives, it tells us that that is God’s way of making forgiveness possible. It is the way in which we understand how God forgives. I will go further: how can God forgive and still remain God? — that is the qu…
Jerry Bridges on Gospel-Driven Sanctification
Early in my Christian life I heard someone say, “The Bible was not given to increase your knowledge but to guide your conduct.” Later I came to realize that this statement was simplistic at best and erroneous at worst. The Bible is far more than a rule…
No Losers in Following Christ
We may rest assured that no man shall ever be a real loser by following Christ. The believer may seem to suffer loss for a time, when he first begins the life of a decided Christian. He may be much cast down by the afflictions that are brought upon him…
Feelings is Not A Means of Grace
We must never forget that good feelings alone in religion are not the grace of God. We may know the truth intellectually. We may often feel pierced in conscience. We may have religious affections awakened within us, have many anxieties about our souls,…
Christ Had To Be Incarnated
Without the incarnation, we could not be saved. It was the incarnate Christ who died on cross, rose from the dead, ascended into Heaven, and is now at God’s right hand making intercession for us… If Christ were not truly and fully man, we could …
Sin is Lifting Ourselves Against God
Sin is not just the foolish mistakes you have made or the way you have brought trouble to your life or that to others. When you confess your sin, you are admitting that you have lifted yourself up against God. You are acknowledging that you have refuse…
Billy Elkins: The Doctrine of Total Depravity
This video features Dr. Billy Elkins preaching on the doctrine of total depravity from Ephesians 2:1-10 during the 2021 Christ-Centered Churches Winter Conference: