Grace Divorced from Wrath is Meaningless
Grace loses its meaning when it is divorced from the gospel revelation of the wrath of God against sin and the sufferings of Christ on the cross to atone for sin. Peace loses its meaning when it is no longer seen as a precious gift purchase for us as a…
Voddie Baucham on Social Justice and Evangelicalism’s Looming Catastrophe
Voddie Baucham was speaking at Patrick Henry College on the social justice movement, which the subject of his upcoming book, Fault Lines: The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalism’s Looming Catastrophe. The first video is his …
Voddie Baucham on Social Justice and Evangelicalism’s Looming Catastrophe
Voddie Baucham was speaking at Patrick Henry College on the social justice movement, which the subject of his upcoming book, Fault Lines: The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalism’s Looming Catastrophe. The first video is his …
The Gospel Is Not About Moralizing The Culture
The culture as a whole is externally benefited by the inward and personal transformation that takes place within the individual followers of Christ. The more a society consists of those who have been born again, the more that society is impacted for go…
John Owen: For God So Loved The World
“‘God’ the Father ‘so loved,’ had such a peculiar, transcendent love, being an unchangeable purpose and act of his will concerning their salvation, towards ‘the world,’ miserable, sinful, lost men of all sorts, not only Jews but Gentiles also, wh…
The Church is Made Up of True Believers
The church which Jesus promises to build upon a rock is the blessed company of all believing people. It is not the visible church of any one nation, or country, or place. It is the whole body of believers of every age, and tongue, and people. It is a c…
John MacArthur Reads Psalm 37 from The LSB
Recently, John MacArthur read Psalm 37 in the Legacy Standard Bible (LSB) at his church.
A Matter of the Heart
The heart is the principal thing in the relation of husband and wife, of friend and friend, of parent and child. The heart must be the principal point to which we attend in all the relations between God and our souls. What is the first thing we need in…
Justice and Mercy in the Gospel
There was one nation in human history that had perfect laws–Old Covenant theocratic Israel; and yet, generation after generation were just as wicked–or more wicked–than the nations around them. So bad were the injustices in Israel that the prophet H…
The Church Must Preach The Law
The Church must preach God’s law. We are not trying to get justified through obedience to the law. We preach law to help the lost see they are lost. It was after all, Paul, who said,What then shall we say? That the law is sin? By no means! Yet if it ha…
Reaction to Church People
Earlier this week, I watched a trailer for an upcoming movie produced by Fathom Events called “Church People.” Here is the trailer followed by my thoughts: At first, I surprised that Fathom Events put together a movie like this. Normally, they wou…
Previews of the Legacy Standard Bible
If you follow me on social media, you know I have been posted passages from the upcoming Legacy Standard Bible (LSB) which is the work of The Master’s Seminary and University. This translation is an update of New American Standard Bible (NASB) 1995 edi…
10 Quotes from John Calvin on Prayer
1. We shall never want a reason for prayer, nor a ground of confidence, since the kingdom, power, and glory, can never be wrested from our Father.” 2. “The prayers of the church are never in vain because God always furnishes his people with materi…
The Power of Preaching in Tumultuous Times
During a panel discussion hosted by Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary, Tom Ascol, Sam Waldron, and Ron Miller address the subject of the Power of Preaching in Tumultuous Times.
Book Review: How to Eat Your Bible by Nate Pickowicz
One thing that is always encouraged at church especially if you are a new believer is to read your Bible. Most churches provide Bible reading plans and you can also get many great plans online. Most of them are slow paced while others are very fast pac…
Does God Accept The Worship of Other Religions?
Keith Mathison:In the contemporary world, it is common for people who believe in God to affirm that God accepts the worship of all religions as long as the worshiper is sincere. There is no evidence for such a view in Scripture, however. In fact, from …
The Christian Worldview on Government
In a series of lectures on the Christian Worldview, R.C.Sproul takes a look at how Christians are to view the government.
"God Hath Decreed…"
God hath decreed in himself, from all eternity, by the most wise and holy counsel of His own will, freely and unchangeably, all things, whatsoever comes to pass; yet so as thereby is God neither the author of sin nor hath fellowship with any therein; n…
Favoritism in the Church
We all have favorites. A favorite restaurant, a favorite musician, a favorite author, and even a favorite TV show. I wonder if we have favorites when it comes to the church we attend. I am not speaking about a favorite sermon or song in worship. I am r…
When We Understand The Text (WWUTT) on Romans 13:1-7
Last Week, Gabriel Hughes, the host of When We Understand The Text(WWUTT), during his study of the book of Romans took a look at Romans 13:1-7, which as been used and abused by many evangelical leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Bible says:…
Kris Williams Speaks with Keri Smith About Leaving The Social Justice Cult
Keri Smith is co-host of the podcast Unsafe Space. She recently joined Kris Williams to discuss why she left the Social Justice movement.
John Cooper and Alisa Childers on the Current State of Christianity
John Cooper, lead singer of Skillet, joins Alisa Childers to discuss what is going with Christianity
Addressing What Happened At The Capitol
I am sure many of you were watching whether live or from news footage about what happened in Washington D.C. last week as protesters storm the Capitol Building. We have seen riots throughout 2020 and now we see one that is taking place where lawmakers …
Abandon Social Media?
As many of you are aware, Facebook, Twitter, and many other online avenues has removed President Donald Trump from their sites saying he was to blame for the riots that happened on the Capital Building in Washington D.C. I know there are many opinions …
Book Review: Jesus Freaks by dc Talk and The Voice of the Martyrs
In 1995, Christian music fans celebrated the release of what many considered one the greatest Christians albums ever released, “Jesus Freak” by dc Talk. I remember being high school when this album was released. The Youth Ministry at my church received…
Gabriel Hughes Addresses Issues with The Bible Project
The Bible Project is a popular ministry that makes videos introducing people to various books and teachings of the Bible. On the surface, these videos are done really well and there seems to be nothing wrong with them until you get more in depth into t…