James White: Mary Another Redeemer?
This video begins around the 2:17 mark:
This video begins around the 2:17 mark:
Peter Goeman on his YouTube channel, The Bible Sojourner, looks at the various English translations of Deuteronomy 4:29 and states which one is the best.
Martin Luther King, Jr. is highly admired for his stand on civil rights in the 1960’s and even have a federal holiday to celebrate his birthday during the month of January. While many admire him for his fight for civil rights, it’s his theology that ma…
Martin Luther King, Jr. is highly admired for his stand on civil rights in the 1960’s and even have a federal holiday to celebrate his birthday during the month of January. While many admire him for his fight for civil rights, it’s his theology that ma…
There have been many great Systematic Theology books that have been written. Granted, I have not read of them and probably never will. There have been many great books written by Martyn Lloyd-Jones and it seems there are many that do not get the attent…
James White was on Grounded with Steve Hartland, where he discussed the drift of Protestants going to Roman Catholicism.
There are many reasons Christians join a church yet some of them mostly deal with preference. Other reasons might to do with the relationships within the church. Whatever the reasons are, the question comes to mind is are any of them biblical?Jeffrey J…
Back during my college days, my friends and I had a discussion about the existence of aliens. I obviously took the view that aliens were not real while others s were saying if God made them then my discussion was invalid. I know that makes no sense, bu…
In this video, Jonny Ardavanis and Joel Beeke have a conversation about how followers of Christ are be to killing sin:
In this video, Jonny Ardavanis and Joel Beeke have a conversation about how followers of Christ are be to killing sin:
To be saved means that we are rescued from the slavery of sin and brought into the delightful liberty of the servants of God…We are not saved by serving Him, but we are saved to serve Him. From the moment we are saved, we ought to live in the service…
Sermons should be full of the Bible, sweetened, strengthened, and sanctified with Bible essence. Outgrowths of Scripture are the kinds of sermons people need to hear. If they do not love to hear them, this is all the more reason why we should preach Sc…
Fear not, beloved brethren, to begin serving Christ. He to whom you commit your souls has all power in heaven and earth, and He will keep you. He will never let you be cast away. Relatives may oppose. Neighbors may mock. The world may slander and sneer…
Fear not, beloved brethren, to begin serving Christ. He to whom you commit your souls has all power in heaven and earth, and He will keep you. He will never let you be cast away. Relatives may oppose. Neighbors may mock. The world may slander and sneer…
Not too long ago, Michael Grant produced a video on Biblical separation which addresses certain Biblical preachers who have either appeared or have been affiliated with Daystar TV. Throughout the years there have been prominent Bible teachers and pasto…
Yeah, post this might get me in trouble with my Paedobaptist brethren, but here it goes. Over at The Conquering Truth podcast, there is good discussion on the problems with baptizing infants.Recommended Reading:The Fatal Flaw of the Theology Behind Inf…
In this video, Paul Washer speaks with Mack Tomlinson and Don Currin regarding essentials to the Christian life, such as Bible reading and prayer, and how important they are.
Happy New Year!!!! Not sure how you celebrated bringing in the New Year, but I am sure you are thinking about that infamous New Year’s resolution that you are making or have already broken even the New Year just started.There are many New Year’s resolu…
The Sermon on the Mount is perhaps the most famous sermon ever preached. Jesus’s words have been studied throughout the centuries especially in Matthew 5:3-12 which are called the Beatitudes, which Paulo Junior takes a deeper look at in his book, The C…
This year was another great year in music. There were a number of really good albums as well as some singles. It is at time difficult to decide which ones were the best or what would make a list of top albums, so I decided to do something a little diff…
If you are a Spotify user, like me, you probably have already seen what your top songs were. I listen to music constantly whether I am working, studying, or working out. I have many songs on repeat including worship songs which leads me to share m…
If you are a Spotify user, like me, you probably have already seen what your top songs were. I listen to music constantly whether I am working, studying, or working out. I have many songs on repeat including worship songs which leads me to share m…
15. Faith and Feelings by Brian Borgman 14.A Christian Theory of Knowledge by Cornelius Van Til 13. Radical Discipleship by Hensworth Jonas 12. Holy Spirit: God of Order by Scott Aniol 11. Practical Religion by J.C. Ryle 10. Th…
15. Faith and Feelings by Brian Borgman 14.A Christian Theory of Knowledge by Cornelius Van Til 13. Radical Discipleship by Hensworth Jonas 12. Holy Spirit: God of Order by Scott Aniol 11. Practical Religion by J.C. Ryle 10. Th…
Now it happened that in those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus for a census to be taken of all the inhabited earth.This was the first census taken while Quirinius was governor of Syria.And everyone was going to be registered for the census, …
The very root of holiness lies in the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and if we remove this and take a view grounded in more fruitfulness, we make the most astounding mistake. We have seen a fine morality, a stern integrity, a delicate purity, and, wh…
If a church is to be what it ought to be for the purposes of God, we must train it in the holy art of prayer. Churches without prayer meetings are grievously common. Even if there was only one church without prayer meetings, it would be one to weep ove…
In this video from The Shepherd’s Study, Jess Randolph addresss if the so-called, “Great Tradition,” is a threat to the church and the authority of the Bible.
In this video from The Shepherd’s Study, Jess Randolph addresss if the so-called, “Great Tradition,” is a threat to the church and the authority of the Bible.
Most people have heard of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution and the controversy surrounding it. However, there are very few in the church that have heard of theistic evolution which is basically saying that God created us but did it by evoluti…