Feet and Inches: Christ Rules Over All Things

Reintroducing George Smeaton and Abraham Kuyper Writing on different subjects, in different language, but at roughly the same period of time, George Smeaton and Abraham Kuyper used synonymous language to describe Christ’s reign over the earth.  In our first post, we introduced them; today we will compare and combine their statements to give a more […]

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George Smeaton And Abraham Kuyper On The Universal Reign of Christ

Solomon advises us that there is nothing new under the sun.  Indeed, in the history of Christian thought, one would expect that under the Lordship of Christ and his church, the essentials of the gospel would remain consistent over time.  Thus, while they need repeating in every generation because slippage is always a threat, there […]

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Strong and Courageous: Why Resisting Tyrants is an Act of Love

Last week, a few members of our church put on our masks, boarded planes, and traveled to the Founders Conference, where we heard from the likes of Voddie Baucham, James … More

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