Holy Week Devotional: He is Risen!

Resurrection Sunday Devotional Main Text: Luke 24:1-7 There have been many wonderful moments in human history. Just within the past 200 years, we have seen: the invention of telephones, televisions, and computers; the development of x-rays, CT scans, and world-changing medications; transportation methods via aircrafts, automobiles, and subways. It is remarkable to consider how one event, […]

Holy Week Devotional: Recognizing Christ’s Absolute Authority

Tuesday Devotional Main Text: Matthew 21:23-23:39 Everybody has an ultimate authority for what they believe and how they live. If pressed hard enough, people will eventually appeal to a supreme standard that governs their intellectual convictions and daily actions. When it comes to identifying the origins of one’s ultimate authority, there are really only two […]

Why Does the Virgin Birth Matter? Our Savior Depends On It: Part 2

Note: Part 1 and Part 2 of this series. Passage of Focus: Galatians 4:4-5 (cf. Psalm 22:22-24) It has been well said that one of the central themes in Scripture could be summarized as follows: “God is redeeming a people by His Son, for His Son, to His own glory.”[1] When contemplating the totality of […]

Why Christianity is Necessary in the Public Square: Reflecting on the Church’s Responsibility

*Note: Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 of this series can be accessed here (insert links to articles). During the first half of the twentieth century, few Christian figures were more active in contending for the faith than J. Gresham Machen (Jude 1:3).[1] When confronted with the face of theological liberalism in the Presbyterian Church […]

Why Does the Virgin Birth Matter? Our Savior Depends On IT

Not: Part 1 of this series. Passage of Focus: Luke 1:26-38 (cf. Isaiah 9:6-7) Cur Deus Homo. Translation: “Why God Became Man.” Such a phrase encapsulates one of the greatest mysteries that has ever been pondered by mankind, and it serves as the title for one of the most significant theological works to ever be […]

Why Christianity is Necessary in the Public Square: Solidifying Ethical Standards in Society

Note: Parts 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this series. Barring anything unforeseen, the United States of America was forever changed on June 26, 2015. In the wake of Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court formally legislated every state to license marriages between same-sex couples, and to recognize all marriages that were lawfully performed out of state.[1] […]

Why Does the Virgin Birth Matter? Scripture Depends On It

Passage of Focus: Matthew 1:18-25 (cf. Isaiah 7:14)  Are you content with being regarded as a fool for Jesus Christ? This question gets to the heart of what it means to be a Bible-believing Christian while dwelling in the midst of an unbelieving world. From the earliest days of the church age, followers of Jesus […]

Why Christianity is Necessary in the Public Square: Addressing Concerns

*Note: Part 1 of this series can be accessed here. Christians have a history of being misunderstood in the public square. Within just three decades after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, a paradigm would be concretized for how the majority of believers in the West would experience life over the next two millennia. […]

Examining Dispensationalism’s Two-Rapture Theory

Just over two years ago, I began the Dismantling Dispensationalism series with the intent of highlighting problematic distinctives of Dispensationalism. In the opening article, I forecasted the series to be divided into the following nine installments-  Part 1- “Dismantling Dispensationalism: My Journey Out of Dispensationalism” Part 2- “Dismantling Dispensationalism: Examining the Historical Origins of Dispensationalism” Part 3- […]

Moral Absolutes, the Law of God, and the Imago Dei 

This series is titled: Praise God for Christianity: No Intellectual Progress Without It! Part 1 can be found here, Part 2 here, Part 3 here, and Part 4 here. If there ever was a time in human history to believe in the existence of an unchanging and absolute standard of human morality (“moral absolutes”), the twenty first century is […]

Evaluating Human Sense Perception Though a Christian Lens

This series is titled: Praise God for Christianity: No Intellectual Progress Without It!Part 1 can be found here, Part 2 here, and Part 3 here. There may not be a presupposition more fundamental to human existence than the basic reliability of sense perception. Although inherently phenomenological in nature, sense perception is one of the primary mediums through […]

Toothpaste and Truth: A Primer on the Uniformity of Nature

This series is titled: Praise God for Christianity: No Intellectual Progress Without It! Part 1 can be found here and Part 2 here. What is the most compelling evidence that could be presented for validating the Christian worldview? Throughout church history, apologists have done their best to earnestly and persuasively contend for the faith which was once […]

Christianity Establishes the Basis for the Preconditions of Intelligibility 

This series is titled: Praise God for Christianity: No Intellectual Progress Without It! Did Christianity slow Western intellectual progress by replacing rational thought with mystery and authority? In post-Enlightenment generations, this question has received ample attention in academic and popular level contexts. As encapsulated in his seminal work, The Closing of the Western Mind: The […]

Examining Dispensationalism’s Defunct Covenant Theology: The Davidic Covenant

This article will examine the Davidic Covenant, as understood within Dispensational and Particular Baptist theological frameworks. In keeping with the pattern of this section of the Dismantling Dispensationalism series, each of the three main classifications of Dispensationalism will be categorized with the primary source that corresponds thereto. Moreover, relevant citations from a Particular Baptist (1689 […]

Examining Dispensationalism’s Defunct Covenant Theology: The Mosaic (Old) Covenant

This article will canvass the Mosaic Covenant, as understood within Dispensational and Particular Baptist theological frameworks. In keeping with the pattern of this section of the Dismantling Dispensationalism series, each of the three main classifications of Dispensationalism will be categorized with the primary source that corresponds thereto. Moreover, germane citations from a Particular Baptist (1689 […]

Created for Communion: A Primer on Man’s Sabbath Rest in the Triune God — Part 3

*Note: This is the third installment in a three-part series. You can access part one (link to article) and part two (link to article) on the Covenant Confessions blog. Premises 3 and 4: Moreover, God has transcribed His moral law upon the hearts of every human being, leaving man without excuse to abide by the […]

Created for Communion: A Primer on Man’s Sabbath Rest in the Triune God — Part 2

*Note: This is the second installment in a three-part series. You can access the previous article here. Premises 1 and 2: As a natural law, the Sabbath pattern[1] is universally binding throughout every generation of human history. From the outset of creation, God sanctified one day to be reserved for resting from weekly labor and […]
