Christ Has Been Raised from the Dead 

As marvelous as Jesus’ resurrection is, Christians often forget much of its significance. We often assume the resurrection, failing to think on it as deeply as we ought or to teach it as frequently as we should. That is why we must reflect on the significance of Jesus’ resurrection, not just on Easter, but all […]

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3 Reasons Biblical Elder Qualifications Matter in Missions

One way to judge the vitality of a culture is by the state of its men. Where its men are weak, sin-addicted, and passive, the society will decline. Why? Because … More

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A Witness Against Wokeness: What Modern Christians Can Learn from an Ex-Communist

In recent years, interest in socialism has risen and conversations about Marxism, especially cultural Marxism, have permeated public discourse. From the Gallup Poll in 2019 which reported that four in … More

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Ruminations on Revelation: Apostolic Accomplishment

Paul’s knowledge of the gospel was a gift of immediate special revelation. He made specific claims to this throughout his ministry and by implication virtually everywhere. In Galatians 1 Paul … More

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Ruminations on Revelation: Solomon’s Reflections on Wisdom in Ecclesiastes

In the last chapter of Ecclesiastes, Solomon brought focus to the importance of strict attention to the written wisdom given by God (12:9-14). Solomon, from the beginning of this book, … More

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Reassembling the Wreckage of Religious Freedom: Why Now *Is* The Time For Urging Liberty of Conscience and Supporting Those Seeking Religious Exemptions

Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord … More

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A Report on What’s Going on Among Colorado Baptists

Earlier this summer, after the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) convened in Nashville, a number of SBC pastors in Colorado reached out to fellow pastor, Sean Cole (Emmanuel Baptist, Sterling, CO). … More

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A Secular Sacrament: Why Mandates Violate Liberty of Conscience and Enforce a New Religion

Since the Biden Administration mandated soldiers and federal workers to be fully vaccinated, while also requiring private businesses larger than 100 employees to require vaccines, chaos has ensued. Defending the … More

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Shepherding Your Church Biblically: A Critique of SEBTS on Racial Injustice

Recently Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) released a video on “How to Shepherd Your Church through Issues of Racial Injustice” from their Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership. Four professors … More

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Applying Revoice’s Logic to All Sin – Part 1

Introduction Revoice is a yearly conference whose mission is “to support and encourage gay, lesbian, bisexual, and other same-sex attracted Christians—as well as those who love them—so that all in the Church … More

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Pagan America Dressed in Christianity

The recent days in America have been tragic. Our present unrest began with the senseless killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer. Rather than grieve and seek true … More

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God’s Word in Godless Times, or the Appearance of Godliness in Signaling Virtue

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their … More

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On the Prescription of Secular Analytical Tools

WHEREAS, Southern Baptist resolutions are traditionally and reasonably designed to either 1. give messengers their voice, enabling them to say what they’re already eager to say (e.g., in opposition to … More

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On the Promise and Peril of Blogs

WHEREAS, the Internet has spawned a phenomenon—the Web Log (“Blog”)—virtually unimaginable to Southern Baptists a generation ago, not to mention our 19th-century founders with their the limited technical horizon; and  … More

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On the Spiritual Fragility of Christian Higher Education

WHEREAS, Southern Baptists, whether as a national denomination or through their state conventions, have established a host of seminaries and colleges, which have made great contributions to the Body of … More

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