The “Omnis” Argument Against Calvinism

I would like to briefly respond to an argument presented by Dr. Tim Stratton which he styles the Omni Argument Against Calvinism: 1- If Calvinism is true, whomever God provides “irresistible grace” to will go to heaven and not suffer eternal hell. 2- If God is omnibenevolent, He would not desire to, nor would He, send anyone to suffer eternal […]

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On Divine Simplicity and Natural Theology

Just a note to announce I intend to interact with the presentation in Dr. James Dolezal’s books, God without Parts: Divine Simplicity and the Metaphysics of God’s Absoluteness (2011) and All That Is in God: Evangelical Theology and the Challenge of Classical Christian Theism (2017), especially by using the audio from his presentations on these topics to the Southern California […]

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The Former “Calvinist” Who Can’t Represent Calvinism

I just saw that Dr. Stratton just posted a further video in the “we won’t listen to the other side but will accuse the other side of not listening” saga that, personally, I’m finished with. But I wanted to note the description which, I assume, comes from Dr. Stratton directly: First, there was nothing in the structure of my discussion […]

The post The Former “Calvinist” Who Can’t Represent Calvinism appeared first on Alpha and Omega Ministries.

On the Goodness of Reality

Just a quick thought. I have always liked tech. OK, I was NOT in the tiny little group of nerds who did the Tandy computer thing in high school with the cassette tape recorder as the “drive,” but I wasn’t too far behind. I wear Garmin watches that connect to my iPhone and I am typing this on an incredibly […]

On My Betters

Someone asked me a question yesterday that basically said, “Don’t you think Bahnsen would have done better than you against Craig?” I actually smile at such questions, though there is a tinge of sadness, too. We all miss Greg, and most of us wonder what he could have accomplished had God given him a much longer life. And I am […]

The Ethics of the ERLC

The following is a Twitter thread (hence the “choppiness” and brevity required in that context). The fact that the structures of the SBC seem to be intent upon defending Litton and making his plagiarism just “go away” tells us much about the future value of continuing to support those entities without any real chance of effecting change within them (as […]

Lessons from Church History

One of the things I really enjoyed about our initial jaunt into roadtripping was getting to meet new folks in smaller churches. I met with the elders of a church in Las Vegas, Redeemer Community Church and had dinner with them. I aged 1000 years when I realized that their oldest elder is just a bit younger than my youngest […]

Two Important Book Releases

Two new books to point you to this morning! Jason Lisle has finally released his book on Fractals, which he told me he was going to write years ago. I love fractal art, and have been using various fractal generation programs since the late 1990s. I’ve ordered my copy! Jeffrey Johnson has written a work appraising the theology of Thomas […]

Two Important Book Releases

Two new books to point you to this morning! Jason Lisle has finally released his book on Fractals, which he told me he was going to write years ago. I love fractal art, and have been using various fractal generation programs since the late 1990s. I’ve ordered my copy! Jeffrey Johnson has written a work appraising the theology of Thomas […]

About Co-Equal Parts

By now everyone has seen the original statement of faith from Redemption Church where Ed Litton pastors, and most have at least had the opportunity to watch his appearance on CNN talking about Critical Race Theory. The problem we face with the new President of the SBC (who has tremendous power in assigning people to committees which, as we saw […]

Be a Radical: Count Your Blessings

Woke up this morning with a tune from my youth stuck in my mind. A song I haven’t sung in at least 40 years I’d say. Yet there it was, the whole chorus, clear as day: Count your blessings, name them one by one; Count your blessings, see what God hath done. Count your blessings, name them one by one, […]

The Power of Panic

Emotional manipulation is a powerful weapon, and it has been used to fundamentally end the experiment in liberty begun in the 18th century in what became the United States. A lot of things had to be accomplished to bring about this end, to be sure. For example, you had to fundamentally change how the population viewed mankind, moving from a […]

Only By the Spirit

The story is told that as Luther was arriving in the town of Worms, five hundred years ago this week, the wagon he was riding in turned a corner near the wall of the city. There, someone, knowing that Luther would probably approach the city from that direction, had scrawled on the wall, “Luther: the Saxon Hus.” Now for most […]

Corinth and the Woke

When Paul explained the glory of the body of Christ to the Corinthians, he used many analogies to try to communicate a supernatural truth, that God is forming that body sovereignly through the progress of the Gospel in the world. Now consider what that meant at that time. Though surely there was not the level of travel that is possible […]

Hold the High Ground

Allow me to start with a little historical fiction. I think most historians of American history in the 19th century would agree with me here. If Jackson had not been killed by friendly fire in early May at Chancellorsville, and had been present to lead his troops the first day at Gettysburg, the battle would have been very different. Historians […]

Eternity and Time

Consider: The one in whom all things “hold together” (συνέστηκεν, Col 1:17) Became flesh (σὰρξ ἐγένετο, Jn 1:14). The eternal acted in time. This validated the importance of the temporal, without transforming the eternal *into* the temporal, or thereby limiting it. Human language is necessarily temporal in nature, as is our thought process. Because of this, the temptation of our […]

On the Sin of Empathy

So a couple of days ago over on Twitter, where I continue to fly just underneath the radar, I broke the Internet. Of course, I made the fatal mistake of thinking, “Folks will think before reacting” (duh), “Folks will look up the terms and see what I’m talking about” (duh), “People will realize there is a background to what I’m […]

Prayers for Kings

The following was originally a Twitter thread. In light of many threads today: ποιεῖσθαι δεήσεις προσευχὰς ἐντεύξεις εὐχαριστίας ὑπὲρ πάντων ἀνθρώπων to make petitions, prayers, intercessions, thanks, for all men (1Tim 2:1) followed by the inclusion of kings and those in authority. The string of nouns together with the specific command to include “kings and all in authority” is often […]

Thoughts in the Darkness

Remember, we are but mortals, seeing not even an inch in front of us into the future, and forgetting so quickly the past. We judge by the present. We judge in deep ignorance. Even three centuries of darkness would be but a brief interregnum of just judgment in God’s purposes. What if, just perhaps, such a period will reveal with […]

Deep Insight from the Past

“In this world, therefore, the dominion of good men is profitable, not so much for themselves as for human affairs. But the dominion of bad men is hurtful chiefly to themselves who rule, for they destroy their own souls by greater license in wickedness; while those who are put under them in service are not hurt except by their own […]

Alaric Paid a Visit

In the future it will be wise to speak…well, with wisdom, in what is posted initially in a public setting. It seems bots are often only interested in certain words and phrases at the start of things. So my first paragraph might seem somewhat disconnected. You’ll get the hang of it. So Alaric was a Visigoth leader who led his […]
