Rethinking “Vision Casting” Nomenclature In Missions: An Exercise In Clear Speech

On the field we often hear a missionary say something like, “We’re meeting with a few pastors today and want to cast vision.” Or maybe at a yearly training meeting, a leader might remark from the pulpit, “Meet with your disciples and cast vision for soul winning to them.” I don’t know the history of […]

The post Rethinking “Vision Casting” Nomenclature In Missions: An Exercise In Clear Speech appeared first on Founders Ministries.

If Not Church Planting Movements, Then What?

It’s easy to be against something. Within any wrong system (i.e., Church Planting Movements theory), we find much fodder for articles on why a particular method isn’t biblical. But it’s … More

The post If Not Church Planting Movements, Then What? appeared first on Founders Ministries.

If Not Church Planting Movements, Then What?

It’s easy to be against something. Within any wrong system (i.e., Church Planting Movements theory), we find much fodder for articles on why a particular method isn’t biblical. But it’s … More

The post If Not Church Planting Movements, Then What? appeared first on Founders Ministries.
