Is the New Testament Historically Reliable? My Conversation with Rebecca McLaughlin

I recently was a guest on Rebecca McLaughlin’s podcast, Confronting Christianity. We had a fun time discussing a wide range of issues related to the historical reliability of the New Testament, even delving a bit into my forthcoming Oxford volume…

Here’s the Cover for My New Oxford Volume on Miniature Codices

As I have mention in a prior post, I am thrilled about my forthcoming volume with Oxford University Press entitled, Miniature Codices in Early Christianity. It is in the proof stage now, and should be out sometime this Spring/Summer.
I have been workin…

Headed to San Diego for the Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society

This week I’m headed to San Diego for the annual meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS)—the largest gathering of evangelical scholars in the world. In addition to the normal meals, coffees, and meeting with old friends, here’s a litt…

The Loss of Intellectual Curiosity—and Why It’s Dividing the Church

In the 2020 Apple TV breakout hit, Ted Lasso, there’s a remarkable scene in the local London pub where Ted challenges the show’s nemesis, Rupert Mannion, to a game of darts. Confident that he can beat this silly American who knows nothing about British…

Is It a Waste of Time for Seminary Students (and Pastors) to Learn the Biblical Languages?

It’s that time of year again.
A wonderful new crop of seminary students has arrived here at RTS-Charlotte and they are in the middle of a grueling month-long experience of Summer Greek. And, like all seminary students before them, they will begin to …

Were the Earliest Christians Illiterate?

In the 1979 film Rocky II, the newly famous Rocky Balboa, fresh off his split-decision loss to Apollo Creed, is hired to do a TV commercial. During the filming of the commercial it quickly becomes clear that he can’t read the cue cards. The direc…

Does it Matter Whether Seminary Education is In-Person or Online?

Ever since I became the president of the Charlotte campus of Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS)—now more than a decade ago—I’ve been committed to a basic practice. It might not seem like much. It’s not anything extraordinary. But I think it has proven…

One of the Core Markers of Early Christian Identity

One of the most notable features of early Christianity is that it was a religion concerned with books. Particularly, scriptural books.
As Margaret Mitchell observed, “Christianity was a religious movement with texts at its very heart and soul, in its b…
