Your Citizenship Isn’t In America

American Christians, the presidential election shouldn’t make you forget your election in Christ. If you’re an American Christian, you might have been born by Americans, but you were born-again by … More

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Pro-Life Evangelicals For Abortion?

If a pregnant woman promised to you she would donate money to poor children if you drove her to Planned Parenthood, would you do it? Would you enable her to … More

The post Pro-Life Evangelicals For Abortion? appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Cancel Culture And Christian Culture

Recently, the University of Pennsylvania announced they are removing George Whitefield’s statue from campus because of his racist words and his role in advocating for and participating in slavery. The … More

The post Cancel Culture And Christian Culture appeared first on Founders Ministries.

If Silence Is Violence, Jesus Is A Sinner

One of the most popular slogans from protestors over the last couple weeks is, “silence is violence, silence is compliance.” The slogan suggests people—especially white people—who are silent about the … More

The post If Silence Is Violence, Jesus Is A Sinner appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Why Reformed Christians Are Vulnerable To Social Justice

Many young Christians didn’t learn how to understand justice from Scripture. So in college, they learned how to understand justice from culture. And now, they think injustice is justice. And … More

The post Why Reformed Christians Are Vulnerable To Social Justice appeared first on Founders Ministries.

Does Systemic Racism Exist?

The conflict over slavery was: is it right or wrong? The conflict over segregation was: is it right or wrong? However, the conflict over systemic racism isn’t: is it right … More

The post Does Systemic Racism Exist? appeared first on Founders Ministries.
