A Ubiquitous Antidote to Anxiety

All creation declares the glory of God. Part of that glory is manifested in the ways that He designed specific creatures to benefit His highest creation, mankind. This was driven home to me again recently when preaching through the creation account in Genesis 1. I was struck by the fact that before God created man, […]

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Why Women Cannot Be Pastors of Christ’s Churches

(The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) convenes in Indianapolis June 11-12, 2024. The most significant vote that will be taken will be to ratify the “Law Amendment” into the constitution of the SBC. That amendment, which was passed last year by a super-majority, must be ratified again this year with two-thirds of the messengers voting for […]

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What Should We Think about the Attack on Israel by Hamas?

What Hamas needs is Jesus Christ. That is exactly what Israel needs. It is what every Muslim, Jew, and Gentile needs. The only hope for the world is our crucified, risen Savior. You will have opportunities to speak of Christ as this war continues. Do not miss them. Pray for wisdom and boldness to make the gospel known.

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2023 SBC Resolution On The Office Of Bishop/Elder/Pastor

I have submitted the following resolution to the 2023 Resolutions Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention for adoption at the annual meeting scheduled for June 13-14 in New Orleans, Louisiana. My hope is that the committee will recommend it to the convention and give the messengers an opportunity to vote on it. From their beginning […]

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Inauguration Prayer for Governor Ron DeSantis

“Pay to all what is owed to them:…honor to whom honor is owed.” — Romans 13:7 “Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.” — 1 Peter 2:17 Governmental leaders are to be honored because of the position that they occupy. Christians owe them this even when they act dishonorably—not that we ignore […]

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Maintaining Our Distinctiveness

The Christian life was never meant to be lived alone. Though God regenerates us individually, the path of growth and maturity He has designed requires following Christ together with other believers in a church. Christian growth and maturity happen in the context of committed relationships that arise in local congregations. That is, it takes a […]

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A Requiem for My Nation

Here is a question on which I have been musing for the last 2 years: If the present generation of Americans were given the opportunity to form a new nation, could they create one equal to or greater than the United States of America? The answer is an undeniable “no.” The only people who would […]

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Fortieth Anniversary of a Prayer Meeting

I once heard the late James Boice say, “We tend to overestimate what God will do in one year and greatly underestimate what he will do in twenty.” The truth of this statement was immediately apparent to me as I pondered some of the great works of God in history, like the Protestant Reformation and […]

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My Prayer for Governor DeSantis

A couple of months ago I preached through chapter 13 in my regular exposition of Romans at Grace Baptist Church where I serve as pastor. I had worked through verses 1-7 before but this time there was a great urgency in my study. In the wake of so many governmental missteps during the Covid pandemic […]

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Lessons from Hurricane Ian

On September 28, 2022, Hurricane Ian slammed the coast of Southwest Florida with a fury not seen in nearly a century. In the immediate aftermath, our county sheriff’s office reported hundreds of fatalities from the storm. Fortunately, those numbers were not confirmed, although currently, the death toll has risen to 60 in my county and […]

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Yes, We Have All Quarreled with God

Henry David Thoreau was an eccentric 19th century American author, philosopher, and naturalist. He spent 2 years, 2 months and 2 days living in a small cabin he built himself outside of Concord, Massachusetts. He chronicles his reflections during that experience in his 1854 book, Walden. He explains the rationale for his exile in the […]

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Why We Rejoice Over the Supreme Court’s Dobbs Decision

In the providence of God, the Supreme Court’s decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization was handed down five days after I began an exposition of Romans 13:1-7. My … More

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