Abortion and the Misshaped Conscience of Southern Baptists

In 1974, one year after the United States Supreme Court created a law to legalize abortion on demand in the Roe v Wade case, the pop rock duo, Jim Seals … More

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A Letter to a Church from Its Leaders in a Time of Pandemic

Pastors and church leaders around the world are trying to shepherd local congregations through the pandemic created by Covid-19. Many principles must be considered in order to do this well. … More

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Interesting Times and Changing Times in the SBC

The Chinese have a curse that says, “May you live in interesting times.” If the last eight months have demonstrated anything to Southern Baptists it is that we are living … More

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The Attempt to Clarify Resolution 9

Recently, the Southern Baptist owned Baptist Press released an article submitted by members of the 2019 Resolutions Committee responsible for the notorious Resolution 9. The title of the article is, … More

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Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, and the Gospel

Over the last several months evangelical Christians have been forced to think about Marxist concepts that, heretofore, were foreign to them. Due in large part to the infamous “Resolution 9” … More

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SBC2020: Rescind Resolution 9

Over the last several months I have had hundreds of exchanges with Southern Baptists who are deeply concerned about the direction of the SBC generally and things going on inside … More

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