A Medley of Reformed Relevance

This edition of the Founders Journal puts together articles on a broad spectrum of specific topics but all informed by the big ideas of the Reformed Confessional heritage.   Ottavio Palombaro, in addition to having gained a (Th.D.), also gained a Ph. D. in economic sociology along with a BA in cultural anthropology. His expertise […]

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A Statement of Appreciation for Wayne Grudem

Recently I received the prayer letter from Wayne Grudem. He sends these out because he really wants the saints to join in prayer that Wayne’s calling, gifts, experience, and projects be owned of God for his glory and the leavening effect of his truth. The letter this week contained a prayer request to pray in […]

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God’s Sustaining Grace

Through many dangers, toils, and snares,I have already come;’Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,And grace will lead me home. “Amazing Grace,” or “Faith’s Review and Expectation,” appeared in “Olney Hymns” in 1779, six years after it was first sung in the parish church at Olney. It was number 41 in Book One, devoted […]

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Exposition of “Amazing Grace:” An Appreciation of 250 Years of Edifying Influence

Editorial Comments on Founders Journal Exposition of “Amazing Grace:”  An Appreciation of 250 Years of Edifying Influence The 250th anniversary of the first singing of “Amazing Grace” was January 2023. It was written by John Newton and sung by his parish congregation in Olney, England. This Journal is committed to a theological exposition of that […]

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Regaining and Clarifying Our Memory: Embracing a Whole Christ

This article is part 13 in a series by Tom Nettles on Remembering Jesus Christ. (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12). The orthodox party of Nicea prevailed for less than a decade. Challenges to the formula of Nicea soon began to […]

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Remember Jesus Christ – The Creed of Nicea

This article is part 12 in a series by Tom Nettles on Remembering Jesus Christ. (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11). The first of the ecumenical creeds was formulated in a council called by the emperor Constantine. According to historians Eusebius of Caesarea […]

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The Form of God Who Took Our Form

Forsaken, hated, and despised A child of wrath, no hope, forlorn, Cast down by sin, by anger torn Our hopelessness was not disguised. Who can reverse this solemn state? Who can turn sour into sweet? Who can our mortal trespass meet? Who can our crooked souls set straight? A Scandal! God breathed human air; Unjust […]

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John Heard and Observed the Lord God

This article is part 11 in a series by Tom Nettles on Remembering Jesus Christ. (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10). When John summarized the narrative of his gospel (20:31), he acknowledged a strategic selectivity to the signs performed by Jesus. His purpose was “that […]

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John’s Theological Conclusion: The Word Became Flesh

This article is part 9 in a series by Tom Nettles on Remembering Jesus Christ. (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8). Before John gives a narrative of his evidence, the signs and sayings that should produce belief, He gives a dense and powerful statement of the theological conclusion. We […]

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The Rule of Faith and the Apostles’ Creed

This article is part 8 in a series by Tom Nettles on Remembering Jesus Christ. (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7). Parts of this post were published on this site in 2016. What we find on the pages of the New Testament concerning the true humanity of Christ and the concerns […]

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Clement of Rome Remembers Jesus Christ

Possibly, the earliest post-Pauline, post apostolic literature that we have is in the letter of Clement of Rome to the Church in Corinth. Most likely this was written around 95-96 A. D, and persons appointed by the apostles still held office in the church but were being pressed out of leadership by a younger generation. […]

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“Another Jesus Whom We Have Not Preached”

This article is part 6 in a series by Tom Nettles on Remembering Jesus Christ. (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5). Paul’s alarm at the gullibility of the Corinthians in receiving false teachers arose from the implications this had for several issues of vital truth, all of which impinged on the […]

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Do Denominational Confessions Compromise Local Church Autonomy? (What about Women Pastors?)

The Southern Baptist Convention is an associational structure of churches. Is purpose is to carry “into effect the benevolent intentions of our constituents, by organizing a plan for eliciting, combining, and directing the energies of the whole denomination in one sacred effort for the propagation of the gospel.” The assumption behind the union was that […]

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The Beauty of Duty

Duty is defined as “that which one is morally or legally bound to do.” That defines duty in an absolute sense. Another definition is “action or conduct required by one’s profession or position.” That might, often does, involve absolutes, but the particular actions required are relative to the skill, qualification, interpersonal relations, and professional office […]

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