The State of Humanity After Death and the Resurrection of the Dead

31:1. The bodies of those who have died return to dust and undergo destruction. But their souls neither die nor sleep, because they have an immortal character, and immediately return … More

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A Late Comment on the Recent Convention

Having participated in a Founders event on Monday, June 14, I was anticipating several events and sessions during the two days of the Southern Baptist Convention. A critical situation at … More

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Introduction: Humble Pastors, Reforming Churches, and Godly Cooperation

This issue of the Founders Journal initiates a look at chapter 26, “Of the Church.” We will cover in detail three of the 15 paragraphs, give a running summary of … More

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Introduction: Humble Pastors, Reforming Churches, and Godly Cooperation

This issue of the Founders Journal initiates a look at chapter 26, “Of the Church.” We will cover in detail three of the 15 paragraphs, give a running summary of … More

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Confessions Give Biblical Concentration to Preaching

Confessions help focus our attention on central issues of faith and avoid personal idiosyncrasies in doctrine and emphasis as well as dodge the fallacy of giving too little attention to … More

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Confessions Give Clear and Tested Expression To Controverted Doctrines

At least through the first three centuries of Christian history, baptism was preceded by a statement of belief on the part of the person being baptized. Some confessions arose, therefore, … More

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The Nature Of A Confession Of Faith In The Organization Of Its Content

Confessions can be an aid to understanding the Bible. They developed from the desire of Christian teachers to help Christians give clear testimony to biblical truth. At the most fundamental … More

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Response from a Crooked Stick

I have to admit to confusion and perplexity about the claims of a student, “As I’ve walked across the campus today, I realize that an unfortunate reality is that the … More

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Removing Names: Deep Cleansing?

Dwight Mckissic recently presented to the trustees and president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary open letter. Since it was an open letter, I assume he wanted all Southern Baptists, … More

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“The Good is oft interr’d with Their Bones”

There can be no doubt that John A. Broadus embraced fervently the cause of the confederacy in the Civil War. Broadus went to serve as a chaplain in the Southern … More

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Of the Civil Magistrate

Chapter 24: Second London Confession Baptist Protestantism Embracing a full and enthusiastic consent to the leading doctrines of the Reformation, particularly in its English Puritan form, Baptists made their most … More

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Introduction: Of The Civil Magistrate and Religious Liberty

Introduction Chapters XXIV-XXV of the Second London Confession As we continue our exposition of the Second London Confession, we dig into the confession’s treatment of two issues that are not … More

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Is the BFM 2000 View of Women in Ministry and Innovation?

In a recent post, Oklahoma Baptist Pastor Wade Burleson has attacked (again) the idea the Bible prohibits women from holding the New Testament position of pastor-bishop- elder. He approaches this … More

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