Headed to San Diego for the Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society

This week I’m headed to San Diego for the annual meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS)—the largest gathering of evangelical scholars in the world. In addition to the normal meals, coffees, and meeting with old friends, here’s a litt…

Is It a Waste of Time for Seminary Students (and Pastors) to Learn the Biblical Languages?

It’s that time of year again.
A wonderful new crop of seminary students has arrived here at RTS-Charlotte and they are in the middle of a grueling month-long experience of Summer Greek. And, like all seminary students before them, they will begin to …

Does it Matter Whether Seminary Education is In-Person or Online?

Ever since I became the president of the Charlotte campus of Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS)—now more than a decade ago—I’ve been committed to a basic practice. It might not seem like much. It’s not anything extraordinary. But I think it has proven…

Is It a Waste of Time for Seminary Students (and Pastors) to Learn the Biblical Languages?

It’s that time of year again.
A wonderful new crop of seminary students has arrived here at RTS-Charlotte and today they begin the grueling month-long experience of Summer Greek. And, like all seminary students before them, they will begin to ask the q…

I’m Headed Off to ETS and SBL–Here’s What I’ll be Up To

Today, I am headed to Denver, CO, for the annual meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) and Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)—two of the largest gatherings for biblical scholars in the world. In addition to the normal meals, gathering…

Is It a Waste of Time for Seminary Students (and Pastors) to Learn the Biblical Languages?

It’s that time of year again.
On Monday, a wonderful new crop of seminary students here at RTS-Charlotte will begin the grueling month-long experience of Summer Greek. And, like all seminary students before them, they will begin to ask the question of …

Interested in Getting a Biblical Counseling Degree without Moving? You Can Do It at @RTSCharlotte

This past April, I spoke at the TGC Women’s conference in Indianapolis.  I also spent a good bit of time talking to women at the RTS booth about their hopes and dreams for ministry education.
I was asked repeatedly about which degree program would be h…

What is Covenant Theology? Here are Two New Resources You Don’t Want to Miss

Few would doubt that the last twenty has seen a remarkable surge of interest in Reformed Theology. So much so, that many younger evangelicals, as opposed to prior generations, would now be comfortable identifying themselves as reformed (in some way).

Interested in Getting a Biblical Counseling Degree without Moving? Now You Can Do it @RTSCharlotte

A number of years ago, RTS Charlotte launched a two-year Master of Arts in Christian Counseling degree (MACC) and it has been wonderful to see how it has grown.  We believe that solid, Christ-centered, biblical counseling is critical to the health of t…
