Irenaeus did not teach the Perpetual Virginity of Mary

Irenæus (wrote around 180-202 AD) says Jesus opened Mary’s womb (aperians vulvam, Against Heresies 4:33:11), a “denial of virginity in partu” (during birth) – Also, Against Heresies 3:21:10 and 3:22:4 the way he compares to creation’s ground (as yet, virgin … Continue reading

Response to Joshua Charles on Protestantism, Baptism, and Roman Catholicism

Joshua Charles thinks that disagreements over baptism, the Lord’s supper, and church government are a problem for Protestants. Also, everyone cannot be a scholar. That is true, but that seems to be a smoke-screen for “just trust us” (the Roman … Continue reading

The 6 minute case for Sola Scriptura

The 6 minute Case for Sola Scriptura – that Scripture alone is the only infallible rule of faith and practice – that Scripture is the final court of appeals, above traditions, councils, creeds, bishops and Popes in church history. Note: … Continue reading

Sam Shamoun and William Albrecht proved wrong again

Sam Shamoun and William Albrecht are caught mis-understanding the argument that Dr. James White was making about Jerome’s reason and argumentation for the Perpetual Virginity of Mary. They accuse Dr. White of lying, thereby slandering him. All Dr. White was saying was … Continue reading

Why do Protestants Convert to Roman Catholicism?

See the book: You can find it at various sellers, including Amazon.  This book is very insightful. Especially the beginning that gives more background on John Henry Newman. His infamous statement and claim: ”To be deep in history is to cease to be … Continue reading

Sola Scriptura and the Church Fathers

Anthony Rogers and Tony Costa discuss the Reformation principle of Sola Scriptura and evidence from the early church fathers on the self-attesting / self-authenticating quality of the Scriptures. The quotes from John Calvin and John Owen are also great and foundational … Continue reading

Anthony Rogers You Tube Channel Great material there at Anthony Roger’s You Tube Channel. Anthony defends the Scriptures, the Reformation, Sola Fide, Sola Scriptura, answers apologetic issues against Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Islam, Unitarianism and other issues.  I wish I had time to listen to … Continue reading

Rod Bennett’s recent claim of “everyone said the same thing” (doctrinal unity until 1054)

I enjoyed listening to this because I really do miss Rod Bennett as a friend when we were Baptists together in our local church, and those days of great discussions and friendship over good classical movies with a meaningful message … Continue reading

Why the Bodily Assumption is wrong, unBiblical, and not early in Church History.

Gavin Ortlund does an excellent job of showing how the dogma of the Bodily Assumption of Mary is wrong and not early in church history, and, in 1950, for the Pope to make it a dogma on pain of anathema … Continue reading
