How the Holiness of God Changes Us

As we introduced in the previous post, many people and churches in our world have forgotten, overlooked, and ignored the holiness of God. We outlined four disastrous consequences for failing to appreciate, love, and proclaim God’s holiness: frivolous and trivial worship, a lost Great Commission in churches, worldly and ungodly lives, and countless false believers […]

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Forgetting the Holiness of God

In looking over the landscape of the church today, many people have noticed that the holiness of God has largely been forgotten, overlooked, and ignored. The late J.I. Packer claimed that the contemporary Christian finds holiness to be outdated and irrelevant. Kevin DeYoung wrote, “Shouldn’t those most passionate about the gospel and God’s glory also […]

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The Saving Design of God’s Common Grace

This article was originally posted in Issue 116 of the Founders Journal. Theologians frequently distinguish two species of divine grace in the Scriptures: saving grace and common grace. God directs the former particularly to the elect; God showers the latter indiscriminately on all men in general. Saving grace is, as its designation suggests, efficacious in […]

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Are God’s Justice and Mercy Incompatible?

In the book, The Impossibility of God,[1] the editors present five categories of arguments that they claim disprove God’s existence. One such claim asserts that “a contradiction between two or more of God’s attributes” renders God impossible, as follows: For instance, Theodore M. Drange argues that God as both an “all-just” and “all-merciful” judge cannot […]

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