Response to Joshua Charles on Protestantism, Baptism, and Roman Catholicism

Joshua Charles thinks that disagreements over baptism, the Lord’s supper, and church government are a problem for Protestants. Also, everyone cannot be a scholar. That is true, but that seems to be a smoke-screen for “just trust us” (the Roman … Continue reading

A Picture Worth A Thousand Words: The Beauty of Believer’s Baptism

In Romans 6:1-14, the Apostle Paul gives Christians, among other things, one of the purposes of believer’s baptism. This blessed ordinance of our Lord Jesus Christ is a beautiful picture worth a thousand words! While much ink has been spilled over the mode, subject, and purpose of baptism, let me give you three simple, yet […]

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Sneak preview of Rod Bennett’s upcoming book, “Four More Witnesses”

My Roman Catholic friend Rod Bennett, gave a sneak pre-view of his upcoming book, “Four More Witnesses”. (in the 2nd half of Gary Michuta’s podcast.) Somehow I stumbled upon this – It bears repeating that I still love Rod … Continue reading

Physical water does not cleanse the soul

In Roman Catholic Apologetics, (and also Eastern Orthodoxy), in defending “Baptismal Regeneration”, a lot is made of Justin Martyr’s section on baptism in his First Apology, 61. My friend Rod Bennett made a lot of his argument on that in … Continue reading

Would Your Church Admit Augustine to The Table? Some Reformed Churches Would Not.

This may seem like a strange topic; I admit that it is one that we don’t normally discuss. But I would like to know if your church would not allow Augustine to partake of the Lord’s Supper if he were to pop out of history and show up at your Church’s door on a Sunday …

Continue reading Would Your Church Admit Augustine to The Table? Some Reformed Churches Would Not.

A Wrinkle in the Practice of Reformed Infant Baptism

Briefly today, I would like to respond to the statements in a paragraph in Dr. Clark’s latest blog post. After posing a question that he received from someone, Dr. Clark gives us an introductory paragraph in which he is laying out the early evidence that infant baptism was an established practice received from the Apostles …

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The Belgic Confession, Like Westminster, Says Too Much Regarding Infant Baptism

Introduction In the latest episode of The New Geneva Podcast, the discussion of Baptist and Presbyterian Covenant Theology was continued as it relates to Baptism. We got to witness another good discussion between Pastors Michael G. Brown and Samuel Renihan. Go check out both parts of this podcast! At one point (around 27 minutes in …

Continue reading The Belgic Confession, Like Westminster, Says Too Much Regarding Infant Baptism

1 Corinthians 7 and Household Covenant Inclusion 

​​While I understand the desire to be Biblical in the belief that there is maintained by God the Old Covenant principle of the inclusion, by default, of all members of a household into the New Covenant, I am firmly convinced that this is not the case. There is an abundance of proof in God’s revelation …

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